The DVCC Blog

Find Out How Eddie Is At The Best Level Of Fitness He Has Been In Years!

Written by Gregory Day | 12/11/15 06:00


Greg:     Hi, this is Greg from DVCC Northampton; today I’m joined with Eddie Cochrane. How are you Eddie?

Eddie:   I’m well, thank you

Greg:     Good. So Eddie, how long have you been at the DVCC now?

Eddie:   About 5 months, just over 5 months.

Greg:     Starting back in April?

Eddie:   Yes

Greg:     Cool. So, since you started back in April, Eddie, what are some of the results you’ve had?

Eddie:   I’ve lost over 18lbs of fat; I’m a lot fitter and healthier, a lot mentally sharper as well. And yes, generally, everything’s positive, really good.

Greg:     Good. So can you recall what initially brought you to the DVCC?

Eddie:   Yes, just fed up with being the way that I was and not bothering; being lethargic, sometimes feeling sorry for myself, just fed up of looking in the mirror and seeing a lot of fat there and I decided to do something about it. I saw the advert on Facebook funnily enough, and then decided to come and have a look.

Greg:     So the weight gain you talked about, was that over a gradual period?

Eddie:   Yes, I used to be very, very fit, have a general level of fitness, and then marriage and kids coming along; I just ended up being a bit lethargic and taking my eye off the ball; and sitting down watching TV rather than going out and doing anything.

Greg:     So the lethargic feeling, was that something that you felt all day, every day, or just here and there?

Eddie:   I never really consciously thought about it, it was only when I went to do something physical, I used to get breathless going upstairs and things like that. Or if I was running for something or chasing, I used to be able to put a backpack on and run all day. I’ve never been a fast runner, but I could literally run at a constant speed all day and never have a problem with it. And then I got into my forties and never bothered with it.

I also did a lot of comfort eating; I got divorced, we separated in my forties, so there was a lot of running round between picking up my kids and things like that. So again I took my eye off the ball and was concentrating on other things rather than my fitness.

Greg:     So it just wasn’t a priority for you at the time?

Eddie:   At the time, that’s right, yes.

Greg:     Had you tried anything before you came to the DVCC, to solve the problem?

Eddie:   Yes, we’ve got a gym right near our work, where my depot is, and they did a really good rate as well, something like £20 a month, just go along. But no-one ever showed me anything, no-one ever talked me through anything; I just turned up 2 or 3 times.

I’d go by myself and I didn’t really know what I was doing. Plus also I found it difficult to fit round work as well. And I just wasn’t motivated, so in the end I ended up paying a year’s worth of fees and going about 2 or 3 times and that was it. So it was a waste of time.

Greg:     Both a lack of knowledge and motivation?

Eddie:   Yes, and also they took your money but no-one was there to help you.

Greg:     It wasn’t very personal.

Eddie:   No it wasn’t at all.

Greg:     What convinced you that the Real You transformation process here at the DVCC would be different?

Eddie:   I came here and had a go at it and I liked the personal touch, with interactive guys like yourself, when we first came along. They push you to do things and also they were concentrating on everything; it wasn’t just do this exercise, it was ‘this is going to take a long time, you’ve got to push yourself, you’ve got to set the standard.’

But also if you eat like this and you do this and put yourself through the metabolic damage thing – I started off with that and then I’ve kind of maintained the healthy eating, mostly, I’m not perfect but mostly it’s transformed the way that I eat and the amount that I eat as well.

Greg:     It’s just about building good habits, isn’t it?

Eddie:   Yes and also it’s just everybody around is so encouraging and I really like it. If I’m being bluntly honest, the cost involved in it is something: I don’t want to waste that sort of money. We get a lot of value when we think about what you guys do, you train us personally 4-5 times a week; so that would be a fortune anywhere else. But also I don’t want to throw that money down the drain by just messing it up.

Greg:     At the end of the day you’re making an investment into yourself.

Eddie:   That’s true

Greg:     Do you have an example, Eddie, of anything that’s happened that you thought might not be possible before you started?

Eddie:   I can get back into certain clothes that I never used to be able to. On all my belts, I’ve had to make another hole, about an inch further back because if I left it on the way the belts were, I’d be like one of these teenagers with his backside hanging out and I’m not ever going to be one of them!

And also general fitness; I can move quicker now and I’m mentally sharper as well. So yes, there are a lot of positives.

Greg:     Related to the fitness, you recently did the mud run!

Eddie:   Yes, that was a brilliant race, I had a fantastic time there. And also I went back and helped a load of people over their stuff and although they say it was a race, I didn’t race, but I must admit, once I started running I didn’t want to slow down, I didn’t want to stop. So I ended up running quite a bit.

Greg:     Did you find you were surprised with how fast you went?

Eddie:   Well, yes, I was surprised; apparently I came third.

Greg:     You did!

Eddie:   But I just carried on running; when you stopped at the events and did the obstacles and then just carried on running through and passing people, saying hello, but just carried on running. It wasn’t a fast run, don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t professional running or anything like that, but I just carried on and I was really surprised. Before, I would never have run it, I would have to walk everywhere, but that was really positive.

Greg:     It’s all relative, so it was fast for you.

Eddie:   Yes, but it was good; it was the fact that I didn’t stop at all, I was chuffed with myself.

Greg:     Good. Do you have any final words for me, Eddie?

Eddie:   Just got to carry on doing it really; I’ve got to thank you guys for putting the effort in that you put into us, and maintaining the standards. And also just that setting the goals and just got to keep driving it forward. I want to lose another stone at least, of body fat, and I’m not going to do that sitting on my backside.

Greg:     We’ll do it though.

Eddie:   Yes we will. And I just know that’s going to happen. How long it takes – it will take as long as it takes, I’ve just got to keep going, but I know it’s going to happen.

Greg:     It will happen, yes. Thank you for joining me today, Eddie.

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