The DVCC Blog

Find Out How Anthony Found A Solution To His Steadily Increasing Weight!

Written by Gregory Day | 10/08/15 05:00

Greg:  Hi, this is Greg from DVCC Northampton; I’m joined Anthony Roache. So, Anthony, how long have you been with the DVCC now?

Anthony:  I started here in February - 16th February, so we’re about 5 months into it now, I think.

Greg:  What are the results you’ve had since you started at the DVCC?

Anthony:  When I started, my weight was 226lbs and now I’m down to 191, so I’ve *lost 36lbs.

Greg:  Nice, is that mostly fat as well?

Anthony:  Majority fat, yes. Was 26% body fat, which now I’m down to 13.1% I think it is.

Greg:  Good, that’s awesome. Can you recall what brought you to DVCC initially?

Anthony:  I saw an advert in the local paper. I’d been talking about doing something for a long, long time and just never followed it through. I saw the advert in the local paper and thought I’d give it a go because it wasn’t like a normal gym.

Greg:  Had you tried other gyms and stuff before?

Anthony:  Only 10-15 years ago. I’m 38 now, so when I was younger. But it was motivation and, to be fair, I was more active back then so I didn’t have to go to the gym. But then when I stopped being as active, due to changing work, family life etc., I kind of had them as stopping me from doing anything.

Greg:  More of a priority than training was.

Anthony:  Yes.

Greg:  So what specific problem did you want to solve, when you first came to see us?

Anthony:  I didn’t feel comfortable in myself, just sitting down. And noticing the weight I was putting on. The main thing was to get back to a comfortable level and obviously fitness as well was a key thing for me.

Greg:  So just a level in which you were more confident in yourself.

Anthony:  Yes.

Greg:  The weight gain that you mentioned, was that a gradual thing or was it quite quickly?

Anthony:  It was definitely gradual over a number of years.

Greg:  And then just built up to a point where you really noticed it.

Anthony:  Yes, definitely. I didn’t realise just how much until I actually started here.

Greg:  So before you came to see us, what were the main obstacles that prevented you solving this? You’ve already mentioned the family life and work and stuff, but any more details or anything else?

Anthony:  Motivation; I got comfortable I suppose. The older you get, the more comfortable you become, I think. When you’re younger, you’ve got more motivation, probably more peer pressure to a certain extent. Whereas I was getting older, settled down with kids and a wife, I just never seemed like a priority.

Greg:  So during that time as you mentioned, the peer pressure was maybe, your friends were settling down as well, so they weren’t exercising or anything.

Anthony:  Yes, you look around and we’re all in the same boat. I stopped playing football; that was my biggest thing. I was playing that three times a week, then nothing, so obviously that took its toll, mainly. Being quite tall, you can carry a bit of weight and not feel it; but then it gets to the point when your trousers are tight, everything’s tight and you’ve got to start buying more clothes.

Greg:  You start noticing things more.

What had you previously tried, to solve this problem before? You’ve already mentioned you didn’t go to the gym for a while, but was there any nutrition you tried before?

Anthony:  No, that was the thing. I had a high metabolism so I used to burn it, but again I was active; looking back that’s what half of it was, the activity. But I used to be able to eat what I want and drink what I want and get away with it. And obviously your nearest and dearest never really say to you, you’re looking terrible, sort yourself out – or at least mind didn’t. So you just live with it, but it got to the point where, as I say, I noticed I was feeling heavy, my stomach was coming over the top of my belt and I was feeling bloated all the time.

Greg:  Do you think that the kind of mindset that you had when you were younger, you said you could eat what you wanted and you’d always burn it off, do you think you carried that through and then dropping the exercise led to the weight gain?

Anthony:  Definitely, that was the biggest thing; I just assumed I’d be fine and could carry it off.

Greg:  When you came to us, what convinced you that the Real You transformation process would be different?

Anthony:  The first thing I liked when I came was the nature of the activities; it was varied, it wasn’t the same thing. You weren’t left to your devices as well, like a gym where you wouldn’t know if you were doing something right or wrong. Even in a group atmosphere, it was a small group so you get some 1:1 time and benefit from watching others as well.

Greg:  So you’re always under the instruction of a transformation expert to make sure you’re doing things correctly.

Anthony:  Yes; because it’s varied as well, it was interesting rather than just concentrating on one thing at a time.

Greg:   I think that’s another thing with a lot of people, they lose motivation because things are boring and repetitive.

Anthony:  It helped as well having a 6-week trial period, which is what I came into first and got a taste for it. To be fair, I initially came and I thought it wouldn’t be more than the 6 weeks, but I’m still here after 5 months.

Greg:  Good! How has your *life changed since you started the Real You transformation process?

Anthony:  I’ve *lost a lot of weight so my physical appearance is a lot different. Obviously my energy levels are a lot different. I never really noticed it to a certain extent, but when you look back, the more obvious it was, it was down to low energy levels.

But now I’m up in the mornings, well I was anyway with the kids, but I was always quite slouchy and tired, but I’m up in the mornings and not like that. I’m eating regularly which is a key thing; I never used to eat breakfast so I’m eating that now, scrambled eggs and smoked salmon, that kind of thing; so it’s all good.

Greg:  Very nice. Do you think that your improved confidence and energy has spilled over to other aspects of your life, maybe family or work or anything like that?

Anthony:  It definitely helps in both, to be fair. If you’re happier in yourself it gets rid of a certain amount of stress, worry and all that, both at work and at home. So it’s been good for everybody in my *life, to be fair.

Greg:  Good, all the positive things spill over into other things as well.

Anthony:  Yes, the only initial thing is when people say to you, you’ve *lost too much weight. Not being negative, but put the worry side of things rather than saying well done, get on with it.

Greg:  Ok. Could you give me an example of something which has happened after your transformation, that you thought may not have been possible before starting?

Anthony:  I’ve got back down to a 32 waist from 35-36. I didn’t think that would be possible.

Greg:  Awesome – so when was the last time you were a 32?

Anthony:  It must be 15-20 years ago, so it’s been really good. So that was a surprise; they say the stomach is always the last to go.

Greg:  You’re getting there now, since you’re down to the lower body fat percentages. Ok, any final words for me, Anthony?

Anthony:  It’s definitely a great process; I’d recommend it to anybody who is reading this or wants to pop down and have a look, it’s really good; it’s done me the world of good so I’m sure it will you.

Greg:  Ok Anthony, thank you very much for joining me today. If you’ve been listening to this spotlight interview and would like to find out more information about how the DVCC can help you make a *life changing transformation, like Anthony, then please make an appointment for a DVCC Right Fit phone call at Thank you very much.