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Ever Seen A Photo Of Yourself And Been Surprised At How You Look? Tummie Did And Now She Is Almost 20 lbs Of Fat Down And More Confident Than Ever!

Written by Gregory Day | 11/09/15 05:00



Greg: Hi, this is Greg from the DVCC Northampton; I’m joined today by Tummie. How are you, Tummie?

Tummie: I’m alright thanks Greg, how are you?

Greg: I’m very well, thank you. Tummie, how long have you been with the DVCC now?

Tummie: About 5 months now, since April.

Greg: Since you started with us, what are some of the results you have had?

Tummie: I have lost about 19 lbs of fat and gained a little bit of muscle as well.

Greg: Awesome. So let’s see, 19 lbs of body fat, that means your body fat percentage, I think, came down about 5% as well?

Tummie: Sounds about right.

Greg: Can you recall what initially brought you to the DVCC?

Tummie: From my holiday pictures when I went home in South Africa in December, I was just looking back at some of those and they were kind of a wake up call with regards to my weight, my body weight really, and I thought I needed to do something about it.

Greg: Was that something you had been conscious of before?

Tummie: Yes, a little bit, and I had always tried to lose a bit, but didn’t quite realise how bad it was until I saw the pictures.

Greg: So that would lead us into the problem you wanted to solve when you first came to see us, I guess. If we go into more detail about it, was there a certain period of time in which you had started to put weight on, or was this a gradual thing?

Tummie: I think probably gradual. Because going back quite a long time now, when I was in Uni, I used to play netball a lot. Once I started working it tailed off and I slowly put on weight, put on weight, put on more weight…

Greg: So a lack of time to exercise as the years went on?

Tummie: Yes.

Greg: And what were things like in terms of nutrition, did they gradually get worse as time went on?

Tummie: I don’t know if nutrition is – yes it probably is – I do have a sweet tooth and probably snacked more than I should. And probably thinking I’m eating the right foods for weight loss, but not quite getting it right.

Greg: So not knowing exactly what was needed?

Tummie: Yes.

Greg: Ok; so what were the main obstacles that prevented you from losing weight before? We just mentioned one there would be the knowledge on what to do – would that include exercise as well?

Tummie: Pretty much, because I would have gone to the gym and done some exercises or some exercise classes, but from what I’ve learned it’s not exactly what you want to do all the time. And the style of the exercises that you probably do at the gym, so again knowing what it is that works for weight loss.

Greg: What kind of exercises and stuff did you try before?

Tummie: Probably, like I said, just exercise classes – so aerobic stuff and you do maybe a little bit of treadmill work and cross training.

Greg: All continuous – not intervals or anything? Were they just slow and kind of steady?

Tummie: I’ve not really done intervals before, no.

Greg: What previous had you tried to solve your problem? We just mentioned going to the gym; were there any diets or anything that you tried before?

Tummie: I have tried a few diets.

Greg: What have you tried?

Tummie: Most of them were probably just low calorie, low fat stuff, like Rosemary Conley or Slimming World.

Greg: How did they go before?

Tummie: They go ok when you’re doing them, but they’re really not very easy to stick to - and then you stop and then you go back again, put the weight back on.

Greg: So they’re not very sustainable?

Tummie: Yes

Greg: What convinced you, Tummie, that the Real You transformation process would be different when you came in to see us?

Tummie: On my first visit here we sat down and we went through what my issues were, and looking at everything from the background as well, what support you’ve got from home. The approach is including everything really, rather than just looking at one aspect of what the problem is. And I think the approach here is it makes things easy to stick to, it keeps you motivated.

Greg: Yes and it’s a change in lifestyle as well, like you said, as opposed to just one single diet approach or one single exercise approach.

So, Tummie, how has your life changed since you started the Real You transformation process?

Tummie: I am a lot more motivated to get my results; I am a lot more motivated to come in every day; I feel more confident really in what I do and it does carry over into the other areas of my life as well, so that’s really been good.

Greg: Could you give me an example of somewhere where it’s carried over?

Tummie: Say at work, I tend to be quite reserved in my opinions usually; but I feel at the moment I am a little bit sure of what I want and how I’m going to get people to get the results I want. So I’m a little bit more assertive.

Greg: So probably coming from the improved confidence you mentioned.

Tummie: Yes.

Greg: Good. Could you give me an example of something that’s happened after your transformation, that you thought may not be possible before starting at the DVCC?

Tummie: For one, I’ve signed up to do the mud run – that is something I would never even consider in 100 years! I’m still petrified about it!

Greg: I’m sure you’ll have good fun; they are very good fun, you’ll enjoy it, I’m sure.

Any final words for me, Tummie?

Tummie: I just wanted to say thank you to you guys here for getting me started on this path. And I hope – well I know – that it will take me to the results that I really, really need. Thank you very much.

Greg: My pleasure; they will indeed, as long as you keep putting in the hard work.

Tummie: I will.

Greg: Ok, thank you very much for joining me today Tummie; if you have been listening to this spotlight interview and would like to find out more about how the DVCC can help you make a life changing transformation, just like Tummie has, then please book an appointment for a DVCC Right Fit phone call at ... thank you.