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Ever Been Put Off By The Atmosphere In Your Standard Gym? So Had Paddy, Until He Discovered The DVCC And Started To Enjoy Exercise!

Written by Gregory Day | 15/09/15 07:40

Greg:  Hi, this is Greg from the DVCC Northampton; I’m joined today by Paddy Kennedy. Paddy, how long have you been with the DVCC now?

Paddy:  5 months.

Greg:  5 months, starting back in March.  

Paddy:  March, yes.

Greg:  And since you started, Paddy, what kind of results have you had?

Paddy:  My fitness levels are much better and I’m feeling much stronger.

Greg:  And in terms of numbers, how much body fat are you down by?

Paddy:  14 lbs.

Greg:  And I think your muscle is up by a couple of pounds as well, isn’t it?

Also, I just wanted to touch on the injury you had; when you started with us you had a broken wrist?

Paddy:  Yes I did, and I had spinal surgery twice.

Greg:  And how are they doing now, are they much better than they were?

Paddy:  Yes, much better.

Greg:  Good. So Paddy, can you recall what initially brought you to the DVCC? When you came in, what made you want to join us?

Paddy:  I think it was the idea of a personal trainer.

Greg:  So beforehand, you’d trained but not with a personal trainer.

What specific problem did you want to solve when you first came to see us, what were your main goals?

Paddy:  My back was my main problem – and my weight, fitness, health.

Greg:  So body fat was probably too high. So that was probably not helping your back as well.

Paddy:  The heavier I was, the more pain was in my back.

Greg:  What specifically was wrong with your back?

Paddy:  I had spinal surgery twice, fusion. Lower back, lower spine.

Greg:  Before you started with us, what were the main obstacles that had prevented you from achieving your goals? I know that you were previously a member at different gyms.

Paddy:  Yes, I went to a few gyms and obviously they didn’t tell you – you didn’t get much advice.

I liked the idea of coming here and having the personal one on one training.

Greg:  Before, it was not really knowing what you had to do?

Paddy:  Not knowing the exercise, not knowing what to do.

Greg:  Had you tried any nutrition or diets before?

Paddy:  Yes, but you easily get distracted and stop them quickly. You just get bored with it and struggle what to do. For me, I didn’t know the right stuff to eat; just tried all these stupid fad diets and nothing worked and you lose interest.

Greg:  What had you tried before?

Paddy:  Slimming World, Weight Watchers, and silly diets you read in magazines.

Greg:  None of them had really worked before?

Paddy:  No.

Greg:  In terms of training, what had you tried before?

Paddy:  I tried Virgin gym for a couple of years, but I didn’t go every day. I got bored with it actually, because you just go in there and do an hour’s work and come home. I just didn’t feel benefit from it.

Greg:  Did you feel like you hadn’t really worked hard?

Paddy:  Yes, well I thought I had, until you come here and you realise how hard you’re working!

Greg:  It’s half an hour but it’s hard work!

Paddy:  Yes.

Greg:  When you first came to see us, what convinced you that the Real You transformation process would be different?

Paddy:  When I first started training, I knew because of all the advice I was given, it would be better for my back.

Greg:  So as well as the fitness side of things, it was for injury as well.

Paddy:  Yes.

Greg:  How about in terms of the nutrition, when you first went through that?

Paddy:  The diet was hard, at first it was hard, the nutrition, but now it’s knowing what to do. When you get advice and you’ve got something to really follow, you can stick to it better.

Greg:  Something a bit more structured than before?

Paddy:  Yes, which I never had before.

Greg:  And also when you learn the reasons behind it, I think that helps you understand.

Paddy:  It does yes, it makes you understand more of what you’re doing and makes you feel better in yourself.

Greg:  And I think with that you make better food choices as well, because you know why.

So Paddy, how has your life changed since you started the Real You transformation process at the DVCC?

Paddy:  I feel better in myself, I have a more positive attitude, I enjoy going to the gym, I’ve lost weight and I’ve bought myself a new wardrobe of clothes – it’s positive!

Greg:  Good! Do you feel as though it’s carried over to other areas of your life, the positivity and things like that?

Paddy:  Yes, it has definitely. I look forward to getting up and going to the gym now, where I never used to before.

Greg:  Good, so it gives you a better start to the morning.

Paddy:  Yes.

Greg:  Could you give me an example of anything that’s happened that you might not have expected that would have been possible before you started at the DVCC?

Paddy:  Going to the gym every day. I’ve never done it before and I never did think I would, but I enjoy it and enjoy going every day.

Greg:  So just enjoying your training as well?

Paddy:  Yes.

Greg:  Any final words for me, Paddy?

Paddy:  Just thanks for making me feel better in myself and let’s hope it will continue.

Greg:  That’s our pleasure, I’m sure it will. Thank you very much for joining me today, Paddy.

If you have been listening to this spotlight interview and would like to find out more about how the DVCC can help you make a life changing transformation, just like Paddy, then please book an appointment for a DVCC Right Fit phone call at Thank you very much.