The DVCC Blog

Eggs Will Give You High Cholesterol…NOT

Written by Mark Gray | 08/05/13 06:30


Eating too many eggs will give you high cholesterol is an Age-Old Myth.

In this episode:

00:07 – Eating too many eggs will give you high cholesterol is an age-old myth
00:20 – Your body autoregulates its cholesterol
00:33 – You don’t have to worry about eating too many eggs if you’re healthy
00:42 – You may become intolerant if you eat too many eggs though



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Eating Too Many Eggs Will Give You High Cholesterol is an Age-Old Myth
In today’s video, I’m going to tell you that eating eggs is going to give you high cholesterol…NOT. So, the age-old myth that eating too many eggs will give you high cholesterol is just that – it’s an age-old myth. And it’s kind of been known for a fair while that it’s actually incorrect and they’ve corrected an old data.

Your Body Autoregulates its Cholesterol
Basically, your body autoregulates its cholesterol. Which means that if you have a fair bit of cholesterol from eggs, you’re going to the following day produce less. Your body will produce less cholesterol naturally. That’s autoregulation.

You May Become Intolerant If You Eat Too Many Eggs Though
And now this is if you are a healthy person. So if you’re healthy, this is true. Basically, you don’t have to worry about eating too many eggs. The only worry about having too many is that you might become intolerant. But in terms of increasing your cholesterol to a dangerous level, that’s actually incorrect. Now, please comment below. Let me know if you have thought that eating too many eggs is going to increase your cholesterol too much or if you’ve heard about this. Let me know. We can have a good discussion in the box below.

This is Mark from