The DVCC Blog

DVCC TV Show - Is Coffee Beneficial For Fat Loss?

Written by Mark Gray | 11/03/15 19:00

Hi, Im Nathan from the DVCC. Welcome to the weekly DVCC TV Show. Where we can inform you on things that are happening at the DVCC, Update you with some amazing results that our clients are achieving and answer questions about health, fitness and nutrition for loosing fat and building muscle tone.
Im not getting as much feedback as I would like so don't be shy if you have any questions that you would like us to answer for you, leave them below in the comment section and we will answer them in future. 

So lets get into it, first things first check out the amazing results we have had over the last week at the DVCC!

Del has lost over 15 pounds of fat in 7 weeks.

Siobhan has lost 8 lbs of fat since joining the DVCC.

Lauren has lost over 25lbs of fat.

Richard has lost over 5 and half lbs of fat in 7 days.

Today we have a question from James: Is coffee beneficial for fat loss?

Coffee can have beneficial results on helping you to exercise and helping you to boost your energy levels before training.

However a lot of people can become dependant on coffee and drink too much of it during the day which can effect your fat loss and muscle tone in an undesirable way.

Some people can drink coffee after coffee and still manage to get a great nights sleep. This all depends on how your body metabolises caffeine and how tolerant you are to it.

Coffee stimulates your stress hormone cortisol, which is a catabolic hormone which will break down muscle tissue and cause you to store more fat if not kept under control. It is important to avoid coffee and stimulant drinks after a work out as you want to keep your stress levels down during this time.

When your stress levels are too high in the evening it can make it harder to fall asleep and breaks your natural sleep cycle.

When you sleep your body releases another hormone called growth hormone, which is only released at two times, which are when you train and when you sleep. Growth hormone is one of the most powerful hormones that will help you build muscle tone and burn body fat so the quality of your sleep is very important. If you find that your drinking a lot of coffee and not sleeping very well we would suggest that you ease off the coffee a little.

I would also avoid adding sugar or milk to your coffee and the most beneficial coffee to have pre work out would be americano, black coffee or espresso. The best choice if you are going to drink coffee after working out would be organic decaffeinated coffee as this will not have as much of an effect on your cortisol hormone.

At all of the Double Vision Conditioning Centres we offer our clients complimentary espressos before their training session to help maximise their results. This is because there is evidence which shows coffee can increase your metabolic rate which results in burning more calories, and it can help the body to burn fat rather than glucose for energy during exercise.

This episodes question of the day will be: What is your favourite coffee?

Until next time, this is Nathan at DVCC. Have a great day.