The DVCC Blog

DVCC TV Show - Is Cereal For Breakfast A Good Choice For Fat Loss?

Written by Mark Gray | 02/03/15 11:52



Im Nathan from the DVCC. Welcome to the weekly DVCC TV Show

Where we can inform you on things that are happening at the DVCC, Update you with some amazing results that our clients are achieving and answer questions about health, fitness and nutrition for loosing fat and building muscle tone.

If you have any questions that you would like us to answer for you, please leave them below in the comment section and we will answer them in future.

So lets get into it, first things first check out the amazing results we have had over the last week at the DVCC!

Lisa has lost 14.8 Lbs of fat using the metabolic damage solution.

Matthew has lost 8 lbs of fat in 10 days.

Michelle has lost 5 lbs of fat in 5 days.

So today we have a question from Amanda: "Is cereal for breakfast a good choice for fat loss?"

This is a question which is asked frequently and is a common concern of many people who are actively trying to loose body fat.

Whether you are trying to loose body fat or not breakfast is a very important meal.

There is a lot of misleading information from companies that want you to consume their products at breakfast time. A lot state that having their cereals for breakfast will help you to loose weight and become more healthy.

Cereals and other meals that contain a high amount of carbs should be avoided, especially around breakfast time.

Cereals have a high amount of carbs and added sugar, which when consumed have an undesirable effect on blood sugar levels and stimulate the fat storage hormone insulin.

When you have a sharp increase of blood sugar you will feel energised in the short term, but your blood sugar levels will drop very quickly soon after breakfast which leads to hunger and sugar cravings.
This is why when you eat cereals in the morning you can often feel tired and sluggish around 11 o'clock.

When you spike your blood sugar levels early in the morning insulin is released into the bloodstream. Insulin is the hormone which is responsible for sugar being stored as body fat. It also blocks your bodies ability to burn fat for energy when it is needed. So avoiding high carb meal choices in the morning is a great habit to form.

The best type of meal to have at breakfast time is one which consists of protein and natural fats, for the reason that it will balance your blood sugar levels and will keep you feeling fuller for longer and make it easier to eat throughout the day for fat loss.

Natural fats will help to keep your energy levels high throughout the morning while protein helps to fill your stomach and your body will burn more calories processing protein than carbs or fat.

Eggs and Salmon, Bacon and Eggs, Gluten free sausages and a handful of nuts or salmon and avocado are all great examples of meals which will help ignite your metabolism and help you to start burning fat and stop the cycle morning sugar cravings and energy dips.

The DVCC question of the day today isHow do you have you eggs cooked in the morning?

Until next time, this is Nathan at DVCC