The DVCC Blog

DVCC TV Show #9 - Do Low Carb Diets Work?

Written by Mark Gray | 08/05/15 05:00


Hi, I’m Lewis from the DVCC; welcome to the weekly DVCC TV show, where we can inform you of things that are happening at the DVCC, update you with some amazing results that our clients are achieving and answer questions about health, fitness and nutrition for losing fat and building muscle.

So if you have any questions regarding fat loss or building muscle which you would like us to answer for you, please leave them in the comments section below and we will endeavour to get them answered.

So let’s get into it, first things first, check out the amazing results we’ve had this last week at the DVCC.

We had a huge milestone from Caroline; she’s lost over 1 stone of fat, which is fantastic!

Lucie has lost over 16lbs of fat;

Julien has lost 11.2lbs of fat since joining the DVCC,

and Rob’s lost 22.2lbs of fat in eight weeks, which is ridiculous – awesome job, Rob!

Also, congratulations to everyone who took part in the Warrior Adrenaline Race – we did it as well, it was great fun; you will see some photos on your screen now and I would highly encourage everyone to get involved in it next year as well.

So, the question of the week has been asked by Suzanne: Do low carb diets work?

I’ll get to the benefits of a low carbohydrate diet are if you are in a carb depleted state you are far more likely to be using body fat for fuel. You will also have less peaks and troughs in energy levels, assuming that you have adequate healthy fats in your diet , and you’re going to reset your insulin sensitivity, meaning when you do reintroduce carbohydrates into your diet, you’re going to be using them more effectively to replace your glycogen stores, as opposed to storing them as fat.

The drawback of a low carb diet in the long term is your leptin levels will drop too low, which is the hormone in charge of your metabolism. If they go too low, your metabolism will actually slow down and you won’t burn as many calories at rest.

You’ll also find, if you’re doing more of an endurance sport, for performance purposes you might need a higher carbohydrate content to get through a hard long race or any kind of a sport where you are going for a long period of time.

So in terms of lower carbohydrate diets for losing body fat, they can be very effective but it is important to have reset meals, to reset your leptin levels, and to start reintroducing carbohydrates post-workout, so your muscle glycogen gets replenished and you can train extra hard in your next session.

Ok guys, so the question of the week is: What are your favourite type of healthy carbs? Please leave it in the comments section below, you can have a quick about what is healthy, and make sure you’re eating the right foods.

As always guys, any other questions, please leave it in the comments section below, and I’ll see you later. This is Lewis at the DVCC; have an awesome day!