The DVCC Blog

DVCC TV Show #6 - What Is The Best Way To Train For Fat Loss?

Written by Mark Gray | 08/04/15 11:03


Hi, I'm Nathan from the DVCC. Welcome to the weekly DVCC TV Show, where we can inform you on things that are happening at the DVCC, Update you with some amazing results that our clients are achieving and answer questions about health, fitness and nutrition for loosing fat and building muscle tone.

If you have any questions regarding fat loss or building muscle tone which you would like us to answer for you, please leave them below in the comment section and we will answer them in the future.

So lets get into it, first things first check out the amazing results we have had over the last week at the DVCC!

Rob has lost a massive 17.6lbs of fat in 6 weeks.

Lorna lost 20.8 overall and feels amazing!

Awesome work from Bryan loosing 14.4 lbs of fat!

A big well done to all of you.

Today i am going to answer a question from Rebecca.

Rebecca asked: What is the best way to train for fat loss?

Thank you for your question Rebecca.

There is so much information available on how to loose weight quickly through exercise. Some of the key things that need to be address to get the best results are: Training with the correct resistance, intensity and time spent resting.

When you are trying to loose body fat the best type of exercise to go for is resistance work or weighted work. By working with weights at the right intensities you will create a build up of lactic acid inside your muscles.

Lactic acid is a by-product created when your body needs to produce energy for short periods without the presence of oxygen. The aftermath of the lactic acid is what causes you to loose body fat. As your body clears the lactic acid from your system you produce hormones which will help to build muscle tone and reduce your fat.

You want to keep your session under 45 minutes long and keep the intensity high Training for longer than this at high intensities can stimulate the wrong hormones which would be detrimental to your goals. The best types of exercises are compound exercises. These are exercises which use large muscle groups and multiple joint movements, such as: Squats, Press ups and Pull ups.

These exercises give you the most bang for you buck as they are using a lot of major muscle groups at one which will help to raise your the lactic acid within your muscles quickly.

Its important to get the intensity right. Try starting off with as many repetitions as you can safely within a minute, then rest for 10-30 seconds. The rest time will depend on your current fitness levels. Then repeat 3 times. Try this with 3 or 4 different exercises.

When you feel as though your fitness and recovery rates are improving try to squeeze more repetitions into the minute, or reduce your rest time.

This episodes question of the week is: Have you ever done resistance training before?

As always guys, If you have any questions please leave them in the comment section below and we will answer it in the future.

Until next time, this is Nathan at DVCC. Have a great day.