The DVCC Blog

DVCC TV Show #36 - The Best Way to Increase Muscle Mass

Written by Ryan Baxter | 12/02/16 19:00

 Hi I'm Ryan from the DVCC. Welcome to the weekly DVCC TV Show where we can inform you on things that are happening at the centres, Update you with some amazing results that our clients are achieving and answer questions about health, fitness and nutrition for losing fat and building muscle tone.

If you have any health and fitness related questions which you would like us to answer for you. Please leave them below in the comment section and we will answer them for you.

Check out the latest posts from the Transformation Experts at the DVCC:

Andrew Jurd AKA the Jurd has been getting some great results on the battle ropes..

Michelle is down to 20% body fat, good from you Michelle..

Here is Rob caring the 50 lbs of fat he has lost in our weights vest. Well done Rob!

Sarah has lost 26lbs and is in the best shape she has been in years!

finally please subscribe to our other media channels and get connected to the DVCC so you can always have the latest information on losing fat and building muscle.

Today we have a question from Fredrico.

Freddy asks: What is the best way to increase muscle mass?

Great question Freddy, thanks for asking.

The best way to increase muscle mass is by including compound exercises, such as the bench press, squat, bent over row, deadlift and shoulder press into your training routine.

With these lifts you want to develop the strength to perform the exercise with correct lifting tempo which is explosive concentrically and then slow and controlled eccentrically.

The concentric part of  an exercise is when you put the effort in to move the weight. The eccentric part is where you control the weight back. Recommended eccentric tempo for muscle building is 4 seconds.

The eccentric part of the exercise is the most beneficial for building muscle because it has been proven to cause most muscle stimulation which causes hypertrophy. Hypertrophy is the scientific name for muscle growth.

Finally you will want to eat around 1.6-2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, as well as  drinking plenty of water and plenty of green vegetables.

This is Ryan from the DVCC. Have a great day.