The DVCC Blog

DVCC TV Show #15 - What Is The Best Ways To Minimise Fat Gain While You Are On A Holiday?

Written by Mark Gray | 31/07/15 18:00




Hi, I’m Lewis from the DVCC. Welcome to the weekly DVCC TV show, where we can inform you on things that are happening at the DVCC, update you with some amazing results that our clients are achieving and give you information on how to lose fat and build muscle.

If you have any questions regarding fat loss and building muscle, please leave them below in the comment section and we will answer them as soon as possible.

So, check out these articles that give you free information about losing fat and gaining muscle:

And we’d like to give big congratulations to Elaine, who is getting married in one week and who is the leanest that she’s ever been, which is awesome.

Today we have a question from Samantha. Samantha has asked: “What is the best way to minimise fat while you’re holidaying?”

This is a very good question that I feel is relevant to a lot of people.

You want to have a good time on your holiday, obviously; you don’t want to have to train for hours and hours a day and don’t want it to be the first thing in your mind; but there are a few tips that you can do to help reduce that fat that you may usually gain while you’re away.

Firstly, if you’re drinking alcohol – which, chances are you will because you are on holiday – try and stick to clear alcohols with a non-sugary mixer; something like a gin and tonic or vodka with lime and soda would be a very good option.

I would also recommend making sure you always have a protein and fat breakfast.

We always recommend this to all our clients anyway; however, while you are on holiday it tends to be the meal you have most control over, because usually you’ll wake up and wherever you are, you can make sure you’re in charge of what you eat.

So having your eggs and bacon isn’t too much of an effort because you’re not usually on the go straight away, and it will mean that you are able to burn more body fat for fuel.

I would also recommend training. Again, I’m not saying get to the gym and absolutely beast it for an hour a day and be exhausted for the rest of your trip; I’m saying do some light body weight exercises.

If you guys do want some examples, we can send you a link to our own DVCC recommended exercises to do on the go.

I would also recommend if you’re on holiday somewhere hot, you go for a swim or go for a run; anything different that will spice up your training and ensure that you’re not going to put on too much fat while you’re away.

Other than that, have a fantastic time – it’s sunny in England but it will be sunnier in other places, so I get why you’re going!

This has been Lewis from the DVCC, have a great day.