The DVCC Blog

DVCC Flat Belly Friday – Bullet Proof Abs

Written by Stephen Gray | 05/01/14 17:30


Today, it’s Flat Belly Friday and we are going

to show you a quick routine to bulletproof those abs.

It’s a very short couple of exercises that you’re

going to do back-to-back and you will complete them five times.

This quick routine can be done literally anywhere,

so you don’t need to worry about getting to a gym.

Make sure to watch the video all the way through to see all of the “teaching points”.



Stephen: Hi! This is Stephen and Mark from , the place to be for fat loss and toning advice. Now, today, it’s Flat Belly Friday and I’m going to show you a quick routine to really bulletproof those abs. It’s a very short couple of exercises that you’re going to go and do back-to-back and you’re going to do them five times.

So, to start off, Mark is going to demonstrate for me. He’s going to start in a standing position. He’s then going to walk out with his hands like so, coming forward into a press-up position. He’s going to then take his arms further than underneath his shoulder. If you have a look, that puts him forward and that actually puts a lot of emphasis on his abdominal muscles. He’s then going to come back to an almost straight leg position. Then he’s then going to come out forward with his arms past.

Now, you might find that you can’t go quite so far as Mark, but a regression you can make is to go onto your knees and do the exact same thing but on your knees. So he’s going to take his hands further. Look, he can take them a bit further when he’s on his knees. And you’re going to come back. And you’re going to do that 15 times. You’re going to find that quite challenging.

From this position, you’re then going to go over into what’s called a Russian Twist. So Mark is going to put his feet there. He’s going to lean back. He’s going to come up, control his abdominals, and he’s then going to reach from side to side. So maybe he needs to come up a little bit higher. I think he’s come a little bit too low. And he’s going to rotate. So the whole time, his abdominals are tensed. He’s actually really working those abdominals, but now he’s working the obliques at the same time.

Again, this is going to be done 15 times. So he’s going to come there and back. That counts as one. And he’s going to do that 15 times. What you can do is if you find this too easy, you can get something to put in your hands because if you’re at home or wherever, you can just find a little bit of weight to put into your hands to make things a bit tougher.

From there, he’s going to relax. He’s going to wait about 30 to 45 seconds. He’s then going to repeat those two exercises back-to-back. So the first hand stand walkout, 15 repetitions of that, straight into the Russian Twist, 15 repetitions of that. Rest for about 30 to 45 seconds and repeat that five times. And you’re going to find that that really challenges your abdominal muscles and that will develop those bulletproof abs.

So this is Stephen and Mark from Let us know if you’ve tried it and how you found it.