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Do You Worry Losing Weight Will Cause You To Abandon Your Social Life? In This Interview Charly Explains How She Keeps Up With Both!

Written by Mark Gray | 01/06/15 05:00

Matthew:  Hi, this is Matthew from the DVCC and I’m here with Charly Brown. I’m just going to ask you a few questions, hopefully to get an insight into how you’ve got such great results. So Charly, if you could please just introduce yourself and tell us how long have you been at the DVCC?

Charly:  Hi, I’m Charly Brown; I’m 36 years old; I’ve been at DVCC I think for almost a month now and, although I haven’t been able to do a full week of training, so far over 4 weeks, I’m really, really happy with the results.

Matthew:  Perfect. So my first question Charly is what have been any difficulties you’ve had, because I’m sure there are literally thousands of people have found themselves in the same position as yourself?

Charly:  I put weight on after an injury, I put a lot of weight on; and once my injury was all fixed I found it very, very difficult to get back into training. I was just in a really bad way with food and alcohol and no exercise.

Matthew:  Ok, fair enough. So if you could just please tell us what results you have achieved since you’ve been at the DVCC?

Charly:  Ok, so far, my weight is pretty much stable; however, fat weight has come down by 5.6lbs, and my lean weight is up by 8.9lbs.

Matthew:  Awesome – 8.9lbs of muscle, that’s amazing.

Charly:   I’m happy!

Matthew:  Good – you should be! Ok, so what were your struggles with weight loss before the DVCC?

Charly:   I was just eating all the wrong things; I was drinking too much and I was doing absolutely no exercise. I think life gets in the way and you just find excuses not to do it. And trying to get back into the whole exercising every day and looking after yourself is difficult to do when everyone’s so busy.

Matthew:  Ok. So had you tried losing weight before?

Charly:  Kind of – I got married in February so obviously that was my big incentive. I did lose 2 stone before the wedding, but I’ve still got another 2 to go from where I was before I had my accident.

Matthew:  Ok, when you were building up for your wedding and you lost that 2 stone, was that through exercise or nutrition, or a combination of the two?

Charly:   It was a little bit of exercise, but generally not eating much! With the wedding dress sat in the house, tormenting me – so yes, that was my incentive.

Matthew:  Have you done any diets before, so any sort of strict diet plans or anything like that?

Charly:  No, I’ve tried to stay away from the whole crazy diet thing, and just generally try and look after myself and exercise. But after my accident, the whole lot went out of the window and I didn’t really do anything.

Matthew:  Ok. So what were your expectations of the DVCC from when you walked in the first time?

Charly:   My expectations were that it would be hard work; that it would be on a sort of 1:1 basis, so you never have the opportunity to slack, where I think sometimes when you’re in a group class, there will always be the opportunity not to work as hard as you could. That, for me, was the important part; me being pushed to my limit. Because I think I know I can do it, but it’s just doing it on your own is the most difficult part.

Matthew: Does the DVCC live up to your expectations?

Charly:  It’s amazing. I mean, I dread the 1:1 sessions, I can’t lie! Because you know there’s not an opportunity to rest or to let up; but yes, it’s been amazing. The best part of it I think is the sort of almost personal service that you get while you’re training.

Matthew:  Fantastic. What does your lifestyle look like now, compared to before the DVCC?

Charly:  Well this is where I struggle, because my lifestyle is very much a lot of social eating and lots of trips and going abroad, so at the moment it’s very much re-learning how to eat well and stop splurging on alcohol and fine foods, but yes I’m getting there, definitely. It’s a lifestyle change, but it’s just really doing it here and then applying it in general life, which is where I find it the most difficult.

Matthew:  Well, you’re definitely making progress, which is good, progress not perfection is what we focus on.

Charly:  Yes, completely!

Matthew:  So how has the DVCC helped you personally?

Charly:  Personally, it’s made me realise that I can do it; my fitness is in there, and the results so far have been amazing. And my goal is so much closer than it was before I started.

Matthew:  Fantastic. Do you have any specific tips, with regards nutrition or exercise, that you can give to anybody that might be listening to this?

Charly:  That’s a tough one… really tough.

Matthew:  Anything that you have found that’s helped you specifically?

Charly:   I think the diet sheet that you gave in that little pack, that helped; because some days it’s so difficult to inspire yourself to do something with greens and proteins, and getting a diet sheet of, “Have this egg and this mayonnaise” and whatever else, it does help, for sure. So that’s about it really.

Matthew:  Ok, fantastic. Any final words, Charly, before we close?

Charly:   If you’re thinking of doing it but you’re not sure it’s the right decision, then it is – don’t doubt it.

Matthew:  Fantastic, thank you very much. Well, thank you Charly, I hope you guys found this interview helpful; thank you for your time. Any comments, please comment below with questions and we will get back to you. This is Matthew from the DVCC Northampton; thank you very much.