The DVCC Blog

You Weigh Yourself Daily? Milton Keynes personal trainer Mark Gray says stop

Written by Stephen Gray | 10/06/14 05:33

I can remember the day very clearly even though it was more than 3 years ago, before Milton Keynes personal training was alive even.

It was a nice warm day and I was excited as I was going to be measuring a client (we will call her Jane to save her anonymity) to guage her fat loss and show her, the progress she had made so far.

Jane was new to exercise and I knew it had been a very big thing for her to even think about having personal training. So I was excited to tangibly demonstrate the progress she had been saying she was feeling and the progress that all the Transformation Experts had noticed in her 3 weeks with us.

As she stepped on the scales I asked her to tell me how she was feeling about herself and whether she had noticed any changes physically.

“I feel literally amazing, I’ve lost at least a dress size already and I can feel tone where I haven’t had any for years. I think I must have lost at least half a stone which is amazing as I haven’t lost weight for so long”

Obviously I was ecstatic to hear this as Jane was following one of the early versions of The Metabolic Damage Solution™ that forms part of The Real Your Transformation™ Process DVCC uses today.

This process regularly has clients lose more than 14lbs of fat in less than 4 weeks. So I was pretty confident she was going to be as happy as I was with her results.

I’m not sure when I lost that sense of confidence…..Perhaps it was when Jane started crying……

Crying with happiness you must be thinking?

Unfortunately it wasn’t happiness that had caused Jane to get so upset. You see the scales read 3lbs of weight loss.

“3lbs!!!” she exclaimed. I was sure I’d lost so much more than that! How is that possible?!! See I knew I can’t lose weight. My body just won’t lose it. What’s the point.”

Of course I spent a lot of time trying to calm Jane down.

Of course I knew what had gone “wrong”

Absolutely nothing.

Jane had lost a lot of fat. An awful lot in fact. Knowing what I know now she had probably lost more than 10lbs of fat.

But we weren’t measuring fat. We were measuring weight.

And there is a MASSIVE difference.

You see Jane had not exercised for a large number of years and had done every diet under the sun. And those diets had stopped working for her. (Which is why she mentioned about “nothing working for her”)

Which meant as soon as she started doing something with the aim of kick starting and healing her metabolism, whilst repairing all the muscle tone that she had lost.

She built muscle tone.

Not massive amounts. It is a lot harder to build muscle tone than it is to lose fat after all.

But enough to mean that she “only” appeared to have lost 3lbs in total.

Realistically she would have lost about 10lbs of fat and built perhaps 5lbs of muscle. (The rest would have been changes in water volume)

Unfortunately Jane was so used to using a pair of scales to judge herself and her weight that I wasn’t able to build her confidence back up.

I wish I could say I was able to explain all of this adequately to Jane.

But I couldn’t.

Jane stopped exercising there and then, not only at DVCC but she stopped exercising altogether.

I was reflecting on this a few days later, still upset. I knew Jane had made a massive change physically and Jane actually knew it as well.

I started thinking about different ways of monitoring progress……I thought through a few I had come in to contact with on all the different courses I had done in the past. The ways Olympic athletes are monitored.

I thought about: 

Using a measuring tape to measure changes in size.

We had used that before though and its not very accurate. In fact university students spend months trying to learn to do this correctly and I still have witnessed horribly innacurate results done a few minutes apart.

Plus if you have a different person doing it you may as well disregard it.


These often get touted around as “the most accurate” way of measuring  by personal trainers and bootcamp instructors. Unfortunately that couldn’t be further from the truth.

 I should know, I have done Biosignature level 1 and 2..... twice. Which means I have spent hundreds of hours doing caliper readings on different people.

 Accuracy depends on the person doing the test. They say it takes 10,000 hours to be considered an expert at it....Which means there aren't many experts around.

Even then I have still seen massively innacurate results. Most caliper readings don’t take into consideration lower body, body fat in their readings. e.g fat on your legs and bum.

 Again it is not possible to be replicated accurately if you do not have the same person doing the testing.


Dexa Scanning

 Something most often available in a hospital environment and that takes 15-20 minutes a time. Bearing in mind you want to monitor your progress every week to every 3 weeks maximum Dexa scanning wasn’t really ever an option.


 Fortunately I have access to a large network of Olympic level sports trainers and the latest research.

So I reached out to a friend who I knew was at the cutting edge of developments in America. He put me in touch with a company that had just supplied Chelsea Football Club with their body fat testing machine.

This machine is called an Inbody body fat machine (There is one in our Bedford, Milton Keynes and Northampton Transformation Centres). This machine allows us to see a client’s body fat mass, amount of muscle tone, water and a large amount of other details. Such as where that muscle or fat is stored.

It means we can store all of these details and can graphically represent a clients progress.

It also forms part of The Progress Tracker™ which is the process within The Real You Transformation Process™ that keeps a client aware of the progress they are making.

More importantly it means we can see the amount of FAT LOSS a client has very, very accurately.

If I could have used this machine with Jane I could have shown her the large amount of fat she had lost. (Incidentally when a client starts exercising they tend to build more muscle tone than at any other time. Even then we are still only talking of a few pounds)

But the positive to come out of the situation was that DVCC clients know for certain the progress they are making and no longer have to rely on weighing scales that lie to them and don’t show them anything like the real truth.

But the positive to come out of the situation was that DVCC clients know for certain the progress they are making and no longer have to rely on weighing scales that lie to them and don't show them anything like the real truth.