The DVCC Blog

Do You Want to Tone Up The Sides of Your Stomach? Follow this routine

Written by Mark Gray | 04/03/14 14:00

It is a perennial problem, my stomach is not toned enough…

How do I flatten it?

Its pretty simple when you know what you are doing, and thats why we have put together this short routine to help you.

Follow along to tone up the sides of your stomach.


 Mark:  Hi, this is Mark from The DoubleVision Conditioning Centre, and this is the TheDVCC TV. Now today I’m going to show you a quick oblique workout. The obliques are the muscles that run down the side of your abdominals. Basically, if you increase the muscle tone you will feel a bit of a tightening around your stomach which most of us want to achieve. So you’re going to do these three exercises one after the other no rest in, in between and this can be done at home, with your kids, at the office. Close the door before you start doing these exercises, but you can do them anywhere because it doesn’t require any resistance.

So when you’re going to do your first exercise is just going to be what’s called a, a side plank raise, so you’re going to go up and down, so feet on top of each other. You’ll probably know this exercise way to cross your forearm and you’re going to raise up and down. With this the just controlled up and down you’re going to do 15 repetitions, okay, 15 repetitions on one side, flip over and you’ll do 15 repetitions on the other side. Now straight away after you’ve done that you’re going to go onto your back.

You’re going to stomach crunch so that means tight tension in your stomach. I want you to put your tongue to the top of your mouth, chin to your chest, arms by your side, and simply with a slight crunch twist across trying to get your hand to your foot. Now don’t have your feet too close, but a good side bend and you’ll find it pretty tough. You’re going to do 30 repetitions one after the other. Now that’s one, that’s two like that and you will start feeling a burn and maybe even start sweating  like I am right now and you’re going to do 30.

Once you’ve done that 30 you’re going to go back into that first position which is the plank, but what you’re going to do is the static hold, so it’s inaudible exercise, but  you can hold it and you’re going to find it that much tougher because you’ve done the other pre-exhausting exercises they’re called for your obliques. So you should hold that for 30 seconds if you can on each side. If you find that too tough you can go to your knees and just hold that position and likewise if, and the original first exercise is too tough you can do this on your knees, so hold that for 30 seconds on each side.

So doing those three exercises you’re going to tone up your stomach, your obliques, which most of us want to achieve and it’s only going to take you about 15 minutes. You can do that pretty much every other day and let me know how you get on, so as always the comments are, are over at the so please just go over there now and leave a comment and if you have any questions I look forward to hearing from you. This is Mark from the TheDVCC TV.