The DVCC Blog

Do You Struggle With Overeating?

Written by Mark Gray | 04/03/14 17:30

We meet with a lot of clients who say they struggle with overeating, and not consuming too many calories.

There are some simple little tricks that you can use so that mean you never even have to think about eating too much.

Watch this short video where I demonstrate these methods…



Mark: Hi, this is Mark from The DoubleVision Conditioning Centre, the place to be to lose fat and increase muscle tone. Now today I’m going to help you if you feel you overeat.

A lot of people, come to us and they say that they think they eat too much. They simply can’t stop themselves and they have to eat everything on their plate. Now I wanted to give you a little segment about willpower because often they say that if it’s on the plate they’re going to eat it. They don’t have the willpower to not eat it.

Now willpower is really overrated. I, I personally don’t believe in it. I simply think that, you should create the habits that mean you don’t have to use your willpower.

I kind of use the analogy that, you only have a certain amount of willpower each day that you can use so imagine you, you start the day with zero so your pint glass is empty and as you go out through the day and you use willpower it gets fuller and fuller and fuller.

Now that can be, increased by work, life, children, stress or different kind of things and that fills up the pint glass and you obviously only have a certain amount, of running that pint glass before it overfills or over-overflows.

It’s the same thing with willpower. You only have a certain amount. Now everything you can do to mean you don’t have to use willpower the more the better and it’s going to help you with your fat loss goals, so a simple tip, I’ll grab these things is you have a, a normal size plate here if you can see it.

All you need to do is use a smaller plate. You simply, place your food as you normally would for your meals on a smaller plate and it means that you’re not going to have to use your willpower because you, you can still eat everything on that plate, but you’re going to be reducing your total amount that you eat and that’s if you feel you eat too much of something, so simply use a smaller plate for your main meals and you will find it a lot easier, because you’re not going to have to use your willpower.

You simply eat as normal from that plate and then once you’re done, you’re done, but you’ll find that you are eating a lot less without actually realizing it and you’re probably not going to be, any more hungry or any less hungry either way, so let me know what you think to that tip. If you have any other tips please leave them in the comments below.

As always the conversation continues over at so go there now and leave a comment. Until next time this is Mark from the TheDVCC TV. Bye bye.