The DVCC Blog

Do You Have Sore Shoulders? Got 15mins? Then this routine will sort them!

Written by Mark Gray | 18/03/14 14:00

Sore shoulders are very common and can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, and there isn’t much in daily life that isn’t effected by having painful shoulders.

They are the most mobile joint and as a result are prone to injury and soreness.

This simple 15 minute routine has been proven to rehabilitate sore and injured shoulders safely and effectively.

Give it a go and let us know how you feel!



Mark:   Hi, this is Mark from The DoubleVision Conditioning Centre, and you’re listening to TheDVCC TV. Now today I’m going to give you some more exercises that will help strengthen your shoulders and reduce shoulder pain.

If you’ve done any of our other previous routines and you’ve either found them too easy or too tough then this is for you. I’m going to simply give you two exercises that you can do at the gym, wherever you are, or, or at home.

All you need is a bit of resistance and these two exercises have helped numerous of a, a number of our clients and myself to get back to full strength and pain free with our shoulders.

So the first exercise is really simple. All you’re going to do is go into a press-up position, hands are under your shoulders. For me, a press-up position is this position. For you it might well be on your knees because perhaps you find it too tough to be on your feet.

Either way it gets the same results and what I want you to do is extend your shoulders so you’re not going to be slumped in that position. You want to be pushing off and I want you to try and push.

Basically, imagine you’re pushing your hands through the floor and raising your shoulder blades and you’re going to hold that position. All you need to do is hold that position for 30 seconds, okay, and this it seems innocuous, but it is very good at and activating the muscles you need to support your shoulder joints and it will get your body basically using it’s body parts correctly.

So you hold that position for 30 seconds. Like I say  if that’s too tough you can hold it with on your knees, but you kind of want to be having a bit of pressure on your shoulder joints.

From that position just gradually inaudible. It doesn’t have to be rough, but you’re going to go into what’s called an external rotation exercise and this exercise can be done from a very lightweight all the way up to.

It will never be done super heavy, but for an example I’m with shoulder rehabilitation I was getting to about fives or six kg’s which is a decent amount for most people, but previous to that I was at about twelve to fourteen kilograms and I’ll get back there, but it’s just to show you that it’s not, it’s never going to be a big weight, so legs bent, chest up.

All you’re going to do is extend, so flat position as far as you can basically and then down keeping your shoulder in position.

You want to be careful with your pectorals when you start putting your shoulder in. You don’t want to be in that position. You want to be here to there and you might see people doing this in the gyms, we’ve seen a lot more people do this.

We’ve been prescribing it I would say for the last six, seven years, but it is extremely effective in strengthening your shoulder and therefore reducing shoulder pain.

It basically holds your shoulder into the right position and a lot of people’s pain comes from being anterior-anteriorly rotated and you want to be in that position, okay. So you do simply do those two exercises, do twelve repetitions  on  your external rotation and thirty seconds holding that press, press-up position.

You’re going to find that your muscles are going to be working far more effectively and you’ll be a lot stronger and if you are a chap who doesn’t even have any shoulder pain, but just wants to be stronger do that exercise and  believe me you’ll become stronger at all pressing movements, and also you’re going to be a lot less likely to get any shoulder pain.

So this is Mark from The DoubleVision Conditioning Centre. As always, the conversation continues over at so go there now and leave a comment. I look forward to speaking to you next time. This is Mark from TheDVCC TV. Bye bye.