The DVCC Blog

Avoid the dangers of a sedentary life

Written by Stephen Gray | 01/03/23 10:21

Many people are sedentary in their WORK… but that doesn’t mean you have to remain sedentary in your LIFE!

Remaining sedentary can lead to weight gain, muscle weakness, and a host of health problems. On the flip side, making just a small effort to remain active can dramatically benefit your mental wellbeing, weight management and normal bodily function.

If you're feeling overwhelmed on where to start, that's ok! We get it! So here's 3 top tips to get started with minimum investment of time or money that offer a HUGE return!

👉 Take short 5 or 10 minute walks during lunch or after work. Not only will this get your body moving, but it will also help clear your mind.

👉 Walk or cycle to work if possible. This is a great way to get some exercise without even thinking about it!

👉 Begin a basic exercise regime of 1-2 times a week from home. More isn’t always better, take it slow and build the habit of doing exercise!

The best part is... you don't even need to do all 3! Just give 1 a go and see how you get on.

The trick to leading a healthier life is NOT to wake up at 4am every day, never eat carbs and to live in the gym. The secret is to make health and fitness fit your life - not your life in a few years when your finally rich and have all the time in the world. No, the one you're living right now! Short walks, quick sessions at home or finding a way to work your exercise into your commute means your reducing the size of the hurdles to your success. The smaller they are, the more likely you are to make it over each consecutive one and onto that end goal. 

The underlying theme is simple... TO START! The most important thing you can do is put one foot in front of the other and start doing something for you. 

Hopefully this has inspired some thoughts in your mind whilst reading – make a point to enact at least one tomorrow. Just one. Start the habit, commit to it and empower yourself to continue.