The DVCC Blog

Dairy Free Chocolate & Peanut Butter 'Ice Cream'

Written by Mark Gray | 15/06/14 09:54

Whether it's a hot sunny day or an evening when you're really craving dessert, a scoop of ice cream is just needed sometimes!

Chocolate ice cream really does hit the spot, but you can't imagine enjoying this when eating healthy without any guilt, right?


There's a lot of alternatives out there now stocked in the supermarkets, such as frozen yoghurt or protein ice cream, described as 'healthier' or 'low fat'. But why go for a packaged, expensive tub that still contains plenty of sweeteners and additives, when you can make your own gluten free and dairy free 'ice cream' using your own ingredients at home!

Just like our 
Healthy Ice Lollies, this is a simple recipe with little effort, but the outcome - oh my! Try it yourself, here's our chocolate peanut butter 'ice cream'.

  To make 2 servings, you'll need:
1x large banana
1x tbsp organic cocoa (try Green & Blacks)
1x tbsp natural peanut butter (100% nuts, try Meridien)
1 tsp agave syrup


1. The key part of this recipe is freezing your banana beforehand. Chop it into small slices and freeze in a plastic container in the freezer for at least 7 hours (if you freeze it in the morning it should be fine to use by that evening).

2. Now you have your frozen banana pieces, simply add this with all of the ingredients into a blender and blitz.





3. You'll see the ingredients mix together and start to form a chocolatey whip!



4. Once everything is mixed together, serve and enjoy. If you fancy a topping try adding blueberries and crushed almonds, delicious! 


Tip: if you're not that keen on peanut butter this can be removed, but it gives the ice cream a good kick and texture.