The DVCC Blog

Chris Was Feeling Stressed And Unhealthy Before Starting With The DVCC. Find Out How He Has Transformed His Health.

Written by Mark Gray | 22/08/15 05:00


Nathan: Hi, I’m Nathan from the DVCC and today I’m here with Chris. I’m just going to be talking to Chris to speak to him about some of the results he’s gained at the DVCC recently, over the last 4.5 months. Chris, if you could just introduce yourself and explain your results overall please?

Chris:    Hi Nathan, I’m Chris and as you say I’ve been here 4.5 months and I’ve *lost just over a *stone.

Nathan: Awesome, very well done. Can you recall what you brought you into the DVCC to begin with?

Chris:    I was thinking about making a change to my lifestyle and, as it happened, a colleague of mine, Roxanne, comes to the DVCC; I’d seen the amazing results and the transformation that had happened to her and I thought, I think that’s what I need to do.

Nathan: And it was a very quick decision wasn’t it? Because I remember Roxanne saying, one of my colleagues wants to come and see you, and then the next thing you were booked in.

Chris:    Absolutely, yes. The real driver for it was the previous six months had been very difficult with family illnesses and I’d probably picked up a few habits that I shouldn’t have done. I was feeling stressed, tired and very unhealthy. And I just decided that it was time to make a change.

Nathan: Was that something that concerned you at the time, that you felt unhealthy?

Chris:    Not particularly, but on reflection, having gone through the experiences previously, I realized that I had to make a change and invest in my long term health.

Nathan: What specific problem did you want to solve when you first came to see us?

Chris:    I knew that I was slightly overweight; I had picked up some habits which were no good for my health. However, having made the decision to come here, within about 30 seconds of doing the first session with Lewis, I realised this was the place that was going to give me the results that I want.

Nathan: I do actually remember that session as well; I remember the smile on your face at the end of it.

What were the main obstacles that had prevented you from solving that problem to begin with, before the DVCC?

Chris:    I just think I probably wasn’t ready for it, there were so many other things going on in my family life and I’d reached a point where things had come to a natural break in the proceedings and I thought it’s time now and I want to make a long term change.

Nathan: Had it been playing on your mind for a little while before that?

Chris:    To be honest, there was so much other stuff going off; but it’s only having had the reflection and seeing the results that Rocky had got and the change that was taking place, that I realised that I had to make…

Nathan: It kind of brought it to light?

Chris:    Absolutely, yes.

Nathan: What had you previously tried to do to solve your problem?

Chris:    I’ve been a gym member.

Nathan: How long for?

Chris:    Off and on for about 10 years, it never really made much difference. And I certainly realised, after being here for about 10 seconds, I realised that I’ve never really tried to do anything before.

I’d done a bit of cycling which I enjoyed but that never really gave me the health benefits. I bought an exercise bike, it became a clothes horse, the usual kind of things.

Nathan: Had you ever done any dieting?

Chris:    Not really, no, because I hadn’t ever had it explained to me what works and what doesn’t, which has been one of the key things here obviously. I know what I can and what I can’t eat and it’s scientifically proven and my results show it, by following what I’ve been told to do.

Nathan: Good. What convinced you that the Real You transformation process would be different to those gyms you’d signed up to and not made any change at?

Chris:    Well, I could see the evidence in front of my eyes, to be honest. I had seen what a difference it made to Rocky and I had read up a little bit about it before I came here. And within 30 seconds of being in the building, you just kind of felt the positive attitude of everybody here, and it was a real team, I guess.

Nathan: Good camaraderie.   How has your *life changed since starting the Real You transformation process?

Chris:    I am leaner, I am healthier and definitely fitter. I don’t snore, which is a big thing! And I’ve just got loads more energy - and I am happier and calmer as well; so it’s been mind, body and spirit really.

Nathan: Awesome transformation.  Could you give me an example of something which has happened after your transformation that you wouldn’t have thought possible before starting at the DVCC?

Chris:    I’m probably not embarrassed now, taking my daughter swimming.

Nathan: Is that something you would shy away from before?

Chris:    I was embarrassed about going; but now I’ve shed a few extra pounds and I’m looking a bit leaner, and I feel more confident in myself.

Nathan: In the long term, are you looking to shed a few more pounds?

Chris:    Oh yes, very much so. My wife never fails to show me pictures of various hunky models in pants and says, that’s your target, that’s what you’re going towards!

Nathan: So your transformation is still in process!

Chris:    Absolutely, yes.

Nathan: You’ve done very well so far Chris and I want to thank you for taking the time to speak to me today.

If you’ve been listening to this interview and you want to make a *life changing transformation like Chris has, please book a Right Fit phone call at Chris, thank you again for your time and see you soon.