The DVCC Blog

See Bryan's Weight Loss Story.. In His Own Words

Written by Mark Gray | 01/09/15 18:00


Nathan:   Hi, I’m Nathan from the DVCC and today I’m here with Bryan Young; Bryan, how are you?

Bryan:   Very well, very good

Nathan:   Awesome; if you could just introduce yourself, Bryan, and explain how long you’ve been at the DVCC and your total weight *loss overall.

Bryan:   My name’s Bryan Young and I am 68 years old; I joined the club the last week in January.

Nathan:   And what’s your total weight *loss to date overall, since then?

Bryan:   It’s 30.3 lbs.

Nathan:   Awesome; very, very well done, that’s an awesome amount of weight to *lose. Going back to when you came in to meet me in January, can you recall what brought you into the DVCC?

Bryan:   My daughter had already become a member and I had started seeing the results there. On and off I had been going to gyms for most of my life, up to about 50, but I really didn’t like the normal gym culture. Lisa was telling me about the way you guys perform and what you have to do, and I rather liked that. I came in just after Christmas to have a look and I thought, yes, it’s a different approach, and I bought into it.

Nathan:   So nothing particularly happened before you came to the DVCC that made you want to come here?

Bryan:    I tried to buy equipment to use at home; I knew I had a problem and the older you get, the bigger that problem becomes. I wasn’t happy within myself, so I just wanted a solution to it and the way I was going about it wasn’t a solution – so this was the solution.

Nathan:   Ok – what was the specific problem that you had? Was it the amount of weight you were carrying? And why did you want to solve that the first time you came to see us?

Bryan:   I think, like always, I put on weight really from being in my forties, early fifties, up to that I stayed fairly fit; I’ve always been stocky, but I always carried my weight well.

I wasn’t happy with myself, it wasn’t me – the guy in that mirror wasn’t me. I was trying to hide it in clothes, I got to the stage where I kept going up and up in clothes, I was buying clothes that fit me more than what I felt comfortable in.

Nathan:   Ok, so that was the problem that you wanted to address.  Can you put a finger on what it was that changed, that got you into that position? Was it extra stress at work, more work priorities?

Bryan:   I think so, I’ve always had businesses, I run three businesses – you tend to spend a lot of your life in cars, driving and if not you’re at home, behind computers. It’s the lifestyle: you eat late, you work late, you snack; boredom – it’s just an ongoing thing then. It’s denial, in fact I got to the stage I wouldn’t even look myself in the mirror, and I’m quite a confident person. I’m used to doing presentations, and I was refusing presentations, I was lying why I didn’t want to do them – I wasn’t happy with myself, in front of people.

Nathan:   Ok so did that have an impact on your working life?

Bryan:   It does really, yes. I started passing that responsibility on to other people and they haven’t got the passion, you know? They are good employees, but people enjoy what I do and the way I present.

Nathan:   They want to see you.

Bryan:    Yes, I’m the guy at the top, and I should be doing it.

Nathan:    Ok. So that was quite a big driving point for you. What were the main obstacles that prevented you from solving that problem up until you came to the DVCC?

Bryan:    I think it’s denial. I bought a cross trainer several years ago, maybe three Christmases ago; I went at it, as you do, for 4-5 months; I *lost a *stone and thought that was good. I went on holiday, came back and didn’t go near it. Then you actually start making excuses – it’s in the barn at the back of the garden, I wasn’t using it. You’re busy… you’re not, you make excuses.

But I came here and it’s a partnership, and I feel I’m letting you guys down. You go to an accountant, you go to a solicitor for professional advice, but actually I come here for your professional advice – if I don’t turn up I’m letting you guys down – and myself.

Nathan:    So it’s knowing that someone else is there, waiting for you.

Was there any problem in terms of your nutrition? You said you were on the road quite often and having to buy things on the go.

Bryan:    Yes, I did a lot of driving; I could do 30-40 thousand miles a year, at airports, driving - and yes, you snack. Mainly through boredom, you pull into the service station and buy the wrong things; you want to get home, so you buy things to sit in the passenger seat, you eat the chocolate bars and all that. I wouldn’t gorge, but a packet of crisps, a mars bar, a bounty bar don’t do any good.

Nathan:   Ok. What had you tried previously to solve your problem; you said that you’d done some cross training and stuff – had you tried other gyms?

Bryan:   No, this was really the first gym; I just thought I could solve the problem myself and it just doesn’t work – you’ve got to seek professional advice.

And the way you guys do it, it’s a different type of gym. I don’t want to go to them, I’m not knocking David Lloyd, it does a good job but it’s not the gym for me.

Nathan:   Yes, it’s a different kind of environment there.

So what convinced you that the Real You transformation process would be different? Was it the change you saw in your daughter, Lisa?

Bryan:    Yes it was actually. Lisa is the same as me; my wife is very fortunate, she’s tall, slim and it doesn’t matter what she eats, the same as my son, he follows her. Lisa, unfortunately, follows my side of the family. I could see her confidence growing; I think she joined in June/July last year; I saw the change at Christmas and thought it’s working for her. In fact, she tried to keep it a secret; she spoke to me in confidence. And I just came down here over the period of Christmas and liked what you guys do, liked what I saw - pushing prowler up and down, believe it or not, and I thought I can do that at my age!

Nathan:   Good, you’ve done very well and the prowler doesn’t stop you at all.

How has your *life changed since starting the Real You transformation process?

Bryan:    I’m more confident; I’m a confident person anyway. I think people are a bit nervous of me and the position I hold, so no-one’s actually said “Oh you’ve *lost a bit of weight”, that’s not what they say. But I think I’m just more comfortable dealing with people, so that confidence in myself is there.

Nathan:   So you’re happier in yourself as well?

Bryan:   Yes, a lot happier. It’s cost me a fortune in clothes! That’s two sets of clothes now I’ve bought.

Nathan:   But that’s good because you’re going in the right direction. And you also had some awesome results with your health, if you don’t mind talking about that?

Bryan:    Yeah sure; my blood pressure has always been a problem and I’ve been on medication over the years, it’s a family problem. But that has absolutely levelled off which is a great thing. I am one of the few people in the UK that only sleep 4 hours a day and there’s a medical improvement, and I’m a special blood group. But now they are over the moon, because every time I go for tests there, my blood pressure is good, in fact sometimes it’s below normal, which is great, it’s always been through the roof. We have got strokes in the family, my blood tests etc are coming back and that’s absolutely spot on.

Nathan:   That’s awesome, so it’s benefited your health as well.

Bryan:    Yes, and it’s saved me a fortune on my insurance policy. I have had to go for a medical for the insurance policy and that’s getting cheaper.

Nathan:    Winning in all aspects! Ok, could you give me one example of something which has happened after your transformation, that you wouldn’t have thought possible before starting at the DVCC?

Bryan:   My golf – I’m a great golf player; I’d actually stopped playing for 6 months, but it helps your swing. I do play at a reasonable level and I’ve actually hit the ball further now than most probably I did 15 years ago.

To give you an example, I belong to a club in Tenerife. When I went there, the lady behind the counter asked if I had an older brother. She didn’t recognise me! She hadn’t seen me for 6 months and that’s great, that was really lovely.

Nathan:   That’s awesome, that shows the big change you’ve made; 30 lbs of fat is a massive change, so very, very well done with that Brian.

Have you got anything you’d like to add?

Bryan:   As I said earlier, it really is a partnership here; if you come here thinking it’s just going to happen… it is hard work, but it becomes enjoyable hard work. If you do it, it’s hard work, not enjoyable – stick at it, stick at it! It’s hard work because the guys keep upping the ante all the time but it becomes more enjoyable! Yes, it’s a long term investment, I find.

Nathan:   Awesome, and we enjoy having you here. So if you’ve been listening to this spotlight interview and you’d like to find out more about the DVCC and how you can make a *life changing transformation, like Bryan has, please book a book an appointment for a DVCC Right Fit phone call, at

Brian, it’s been a pleasure to speak to you today and congratulations on your 30.3lbs of fat *loss again.

This is Nathan from the DVCC, Milton Keynes; have a great day.