The DVCC Blog

See Bex's Weight Loss Story..In Her Own Words

Written by Mark Gray | 14/08/15 05:00

Josh:   Hi, this is Josh from the DVCC Bedford, and I’m sat here with Bex Daly, who’s been a client of DVCC Bedford for about 9 months, and she’s achieved some amazing results.

So I would just like to have a little conversation with Bex to see how she felt before she was at the DVCC, and hopefully you guys can learn a bit more too, and putting some things in practice that will help your results.

So, first of all Bex, can you let everyone know what kind of results you’ve achieved in the 9 months you have been at the DVCC?

Bex:     So far I’ve actually lost *30lbs, 20lbs of that being pure body fat.

Josh:   Awesome. Going back to before you were a client at the DVCC, were you concerned about your weight?

Bex:     Yes I was. I’ve always been a bigger girl, even since my teenage years, and it’s something that I’ve been struggling with for a few years now.

Josh:   When you say struggling, how did it affect your *life?

Bex:    I have two children now and especially since I’ve had the second child it’s been harder work - chasing after them and making sure I can play with them and keep up with them.

Josh:   How old are your children, if you don’t mind me asking?

Bex:    One is 13, a boy, and another boy of 4.

Josh:   So they’re still running rings and stuff like that?

Bex:    Yes, definitely.

Josh:   And have you tried to *lose that weight before?

Bex:    Numerous times I tried and obviously failed.

Josh:   What kind of things have you tried?

Bex:    It’s got to the point where I’ve tried just starving myself and not eating anything, because I was *losing weight that way but it wasn’t actually staying off long term.

Josh:   So did you end up putting the weight back on with those kind of things?

Bex:    Yes.

Josh:   How did you feel when you were doing things like that?

Bex:    It was hard work; it was good when I was seeing the results, but I could guarantee that I would know that 3-4 weeks down the line I would *lose maybe nearly a *stone, and then something would happen and it would all go to pot within a few days.

Josh:   How many times did that happen and over what period of time?

Bex:    I’ve tried for a few years and I would do it perhaps once every 2 months, try something and it might be just for a week or it might be for a month - and then it would stop.

Josh:   Was there anything that derailed your progress – that made it stop?

Bex:    Sometimes, I have a habit of getting ill, with throat infections, for example, and it would get to the point then where everything would just go because I wouldn’t feel well enough to try anything else?

Josh:   And how did it make you feel, trying these things but knowing, as you said, that it wasn’t going to be a long term thing for you?

Bex:    It was annoying because every time I tried starting something I would think, I’m going to do it this time, then to fail and it just puts you back; then you try again and fail again.

Josh:   When did you come across the DVCC?

Bex:    I had actually been watching a lot of programmes on transformation, like with extreme weight *loss programmes and things like that, and I thought, I need a place like that, a centre that would actually help me and transform me and keep me on track.

Josh:   So when you did come across the DVCC, did you have any obstacles or any barriers before you joined?

Bex:    My main concern was distance from my house because I don’t drive, so I was quite worried. But luckily it happened to be just down the road.

Then money was a concern, but I’ve managed to put that aside and think if my health comes at a cost, then I’m going to do it.

Josh:   Good – that’s a good mindset to have. So what excited you, when you first walked into the DVCC, did you have any preconceptions as to what it was going to be like when you started training?

Bex:    Not really, to be honest I had actually walked past this place before and assumed it was like a gym for men and things like that; I was quite worried that there would be a lot of men here and I would feel uncomfortable about it being a gym, that people would look at me and judge me because I was big. I thought that the people were going to be really fit in there, and I’m not!

Josh:   How did it make you feel after your first session then?

Bex:    Really good. The first session I had I felt welcome; a couple of the other clients were really friendly and introduced themselves straight away and I felt part of the team already.

Josh:   Nice – so those initial fears that you had never came to fruition then?

Bex:    No, never.

Josh:   When you heard about the Real You transformation process, what kind of things excited you the most about it?

Bex:    The fact that it could be doable and it was realistic, the goals were realistic. And I was excited to just get going on it really.

Josh:   So, 9 months down the line, you’ve managed to maintain your fat *loss and you not gone back up, which is great. So what do you think has been the difference with the DVCC that has meant that you haven’t fallen off the wagon like you have in the past?

Bex:    This time I’ve been eating a lot! I found it quite difficult because I have been eating a lot and thinking this can’t work, I’m eating so much and yet I’m *losing the fat. At first, that was kind of like – wow!

Josh:   So more of a sustainable thing for you then?

Bex:    Definitely, yes.

Josh:   So, walk us through a typical day of food for you?

Bex:    Breakfast is always salmon and scrambled eggs; that’s my favourite breakfast, I have it every day;

Lunch would probably be something like prawns or a salmon fillet with green salads and plenty of green stuff;

And dinner would be a steak, more salmon or chicken; sometimes I would do it with vegetables, make a sort of stew.

Josh:   And how have you found that?

Bex:    Nice!

Josh:   So you actually enjoy doing the food this time around?

Bex:    Yes - I enjoy eating it!

Josh:   Good. When you first joined the DVCC, did you expect it to work as well as it has done for you?

Bex:    I was hoping it would – and I’m glad it has!

Josh:   Good! I know one of the big things for you and I think one of the contributing factors to your success is, like you say, you have formed a bond with a lot of the people in the session you come to. One person in particular, Pally, you’ve trained with a lot. So how has that helped you along the way?

Bex:    It’s been good because, especially with Pally, she was at the same stage I was; we joined at around the same time and we’re the same age, etc., so it’s good to have that person there to be motivated by. And also the other people really motivate you too, so it’s been really nice.

Josh:   What have been the other benefits, aside from the obvious fat *loss, since you have been training with the DVCC – on a day to day basis?

Bex:    It has been nice to be able to go shopping and try things on in a size that I wouldn’t have been able to choose before; that’s been really good.

Josh:   If you could sum up the DVCC in three words, what would they be?

Bex:    Motivating, helpful and, probably, good fun

Josh:   That’s four, but I’ll let you off on that!

So, one of the last things, if there was someone out there listening to this who’s in the same position as you – they’ve tried lots of diets, they’ve had some success but it’s gone back on, they’ve done this yoyo thing – what advice would you give them?

Bex:    Everything that you’ve ever read that you think you’re doing right, you’re doing wrong! Basically, coming here has taught me the right way to do things and it was totally opposite to what I thought I was doing right before, which obviously it wasn’t.

Josh:   Lastly, if you were to recommend the DVCC to a friend, what would you say to them?

Bex:    Definitely go for it. It’s hard work at the beginning; with the exercise you do ache. But I’ve come to the point where actually if I don’t ache the next day I’m disappointed, because I know I haven’t worked hard enough.

Josh:   Good. So hopefully everyone out there has learned a thing or two that they can apply to their own transformation.

Thank you very much Bex for talking with me; I shall see you guys again soon. Bye.