The DVCC Blog

Bev shares her Experience with the DVCC's Nutrition Intensive

Written by Mark Gray | 26/04/18 15:16



*The 12 Week Nutrition & Accountability Program*

How was your nutrition before you started at the DVCC?

Good and bad, but in various times in sort of going to win clubs and things like that. So sometimes it was good and sometimes it was bad. Just before I came here it was really bad.

How has the 12 week nutrition intensive helped you?

It was really good for me because I had been coming to the DVCC for about 2 years and I had taken some time off work, just to try and focus on me and fitness and things and I did really well, and lost quite a bit of weight.

Then I went back to work, and I've always blamed work for making me put weight on and I actually put quite a bit of weight back on when I went back to work. I was talking to Sam about it one night, I was still coming and working out and he was saying, "Why don't you do the nutrition?" So I said, "Okay." And it was brilliant because it just re-focused me completely.

I knew what I should do, but I needed that re-focus and I just needed that control of somebody meeting with me once a week just to keep on track. So for me it was great, changed my behaviour, lost all the weight I put on since I've gone back to work in 12 weeks.

How has nutrition helped you with your training?

I think we talked about it, as I was doing the nutrition because when I did one of the nutrition sessions before, when I first joined, it made you feel like you've got a lack of energy, certainly in the first part.

So I was worried that this would. But it didn't actually and I think just focusing on simple things like drinking more water, making sure you're eating at the right times, making sure you eat the right mix of foods. It just helped me, I began to feel more energetic.

What does the 1:1 accountability do for you?

It just keeps me on track. It's really, really good because it's so easy just to go off track. I work quite long hours and I don't do enough food prep (thats's one thing I still need to do more of, I need to do more food prep.)

But you're able to work around it by focusing on where I could go to buy things and what I could buy and I am now beginning to do some prep as well.

How has your mindset and attitude to food changed?

I think in terms of my mindset, just being on holiday for a couple of weeks; although I wasn't going to be good when I was on holiday, the fact that you're not eating the things that you normally eat, you just don't feel as good as you do normally.

It's nice to have a drink now and then, that's absolutely fine but in terms of the food, I always try and stick, if I can, close to what I've been eating normally because it just makes you feel terrible. So I was quite glad to get back home and then get back on to the normal food again.

So in terms of focusing on what you should have, it's not just about what you should have, it's what makes you feel good as well.