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Before you try intermittent fasting, have you thought about this?

Written by Mark Gray | 27/03/19 10:05

Intermittent fasting is all the rage right now, with certain celebrities swearing by it and more and more people jumping on the bandwagon each day…

…But is it right for YOU?

These tips should help you to decide if intermittent fasting is the right lifestyle choice for you.

What is intermittent fasting?

In simple terms, intermittent fasting is the process of not eating between certain hours of the day… You may even be doing it without realising!

There are many reasons people try intermittent fasting, perhaps you struggle to control your snacking habits, or are looking to achieve a certain fitness goal which intermittent fasting may help.

One of the most beneficial reasons for intermittent fasting is actually sleep. It has been shown that eating 3 hours before you go to sleep can be very beneficial to your sleep pattern, giving you better, deeper sleep. During this time, you will essentially not be eating for 12 hours of the day, making this a type of beneficial fasting without really restricting yourself too much.


Should I try it?

Not all fasting needs to be ‘labelled’ as an intermittent fast, such as the sleep example above. By labelling yourself to an intermittent fasting ‘diet’, things can become far more stressful and restrictive.

A better way to view intermittent fasting is that it can be used as more of a tool, method or tactic, which can be used to help compliment your get you towards a certain goal. It is something which can assist your results, but should not be the ONLY thing you do to get results.

A good question to ask yourself is: "Can I see myself doing this for the rest of my life?", if not, intermittent fasting might not be right for you. Before you begin, speak to a nutritionist to see if it is the best option for you, there may be plenty of other alternatives out there which will give you far better results.

However, if you struggle to make healthy choices when you eat, or are restricted to only eating bad food, intermittent fasting might be your best option. A great example of this is flights: Airline food has a notoriously bad name for providing nutrient rich meals and a lack of healthy options, so sometimes simply not eating during these times can be your best option to avoid your progress slipping.


How can I get started?

It is important to stress that intermittent fasting is NOT right for everyone and should be seen as a tool that can help compliment your results. If you do feel it could help you, the best place to start is to gently test before fully jumping in! If you find that not eating for long period of time causes you to become irritable and demotivated, instead of invigorated and healthier, fasting might not be right for you.

However, if you are looking to cut down on your unhealthy snacking, intermittent fasting might be one of many options that could work for you, however your best bet will still be speaking to a nutritionist and creating a customised plan that suits your lifestyle.