The DVCC Blog

Banish Your Bingo Wings Workout

Written by Mark Gray | 02/02/14 09:30

Today we are bringing you a great short workout that’s going to “Banish Your Bingo Wings!”

This body weight routine can be done literally anywhere....At home, in the office..Even in the park!

This routine will take you 5 to 10 minutes to complete and is going to leave your arms feeling super toned!

In this video, you will learn:

  • Two exercises to “Banish Your Bingo Wings!”
  • You can tone up the backs of your arms or your triceps at home or even in your office
  • Do 15 to 20 repetitions of the Tricep Press-up or Diamond Hand Press-up
  • Go straight to Tricep Extensions and do another 15 to 20 repetitions
  • Rest for a minute-and-a-half then repeat the routine 5 times


Mark Gray:  Hi! This is Mark and Steve from, the place to be to lose fat and increase your muscle tone. So, today, it’s going to be “Banish Your Bingo Wings Day!” Basically, we’re going to focus on a little routine you can do at home that’s going to tone up the backs of your arms, your triceps, and you can do this literally at home, anywhere in your office.

If you’re in your office, you can pull down the shutters. You can do this, wrap this up in about 5 to 10 minutes.

So Stephen is going to be my handy little demonstrator. We’ve got two exercises. He’s going to do them back-to-back, which basically means one after the other. The first exercise is called the Tricep Press-up or the Diamond Hand Press-up.

You see Stephen’s hand position is kind of in a diamond position, but he’s going to keep his elbows in close to his body. So he’s going to go into a press-up. He really should be doing full proper press-ups. There we go. In. Elbows into his sides, and then out.

A normal press-up, your elbows might flare. Whereas here, you’re going to keep your elbows in and he’s going to fully extend to the top. And I can almost feel his tricep flexing at the top there.

All the way down and all the way up. If you are able to do full press-ups like that, then you do. If you can’t and it’s too hard, you simply go on to your knees and do exactly the same thing, but in a kneeling position.

So all the way down. Give me another five there please, Stephen, just for demonstration purposes. A little bit slower, please. A little bit slower. That’s it.

So you’re going to do 15 to 20 repetitions. You’re going to go straight from this exercise into what is a Tricep Extension, and you can actually do these tricep extensions with weights. But this is a great body weight exercise and it allows you to do it anywhere. So, basically, he’s going to, from his elbows, extend his arms up and squeeze the top, and then down.

So it’s kind of a variation of that press-up. He’s going from his elbows up. You see, he bends his elbows in here, and then he extends his arms up. Within, and extends his arms up. If you notice how he’s falling to the floor, he’s actually getting a bit tired. If you could keep going, please, Stephen.

And extend up. You’re going to do the same thing. So you’re going to do 15 to 20 repetitions and I want you to go back-to-back. So you’re going to do the first exercise, which is the press-ups. Then into these tricep extensions. Then you’re going to rest for a minute-and-a-half. And then you’re going to repeat. And you’re going to do that 5 times.

And we can almost see a bit of blood going into his arms there into his triceps. And that is really going to tone up the backs of your arms and give you that long, sleek look that most ladies want and helps you look great in a dress.

So, give it a go. Let us know how you get on. Comment in the box below and we’ll see you next time at!