The DVCC Blog

Are You Struggling with Weightloss and Feeling Trapped In Yourself? Read On To Find Out How Michelle Broke That Pattern and Now She Feels Free and Fantastic!

Written by Mark Gray | 30/06/15 18:00


Matthew: Hi, this is Matthew from the DVCC and I’m here with Michelle Butler. I am just going to ask you a few questions, hopefully to get an insight into how you got such great results.

So Michelle, if you could just please introduce yourself, how old are you and how long have you been at the DVCC?

Michelle:   I am 53, I will be 54 in September, and I joined DVCC I think roughly around January time.

Matthew: Fantastic. So Michelle, can you please tell us what results you have achieved since you have been here?

Michelle:   By the looking of it, a loss of 11 lbs.

Matthew: You have, which is awesome, good work from you. So Michelle, what have been any difficulties that you have had, as I am sure there are literally thousands of people who have found themselves in the same position as you were?

Michelle:   The mealtimes for me were difficult; starting to get back into healthy eating, as what I thought I was – a healthy eater – but when I had my interview with the Mark and Steve, one of them cheekily said we’ll see, because I told him I do the 5 a day and I don’t drink this and I don’t drink tea, coffee, whatever.

And by going through the structure of what you guys have given me, seemingly I wasn’t as healthy as I liked to have thought.

Matthew: So what were your struggles with weight loss before the DVCC?

Michelle:   I started to get comfortable with how I was; I was training – or what I thought was good training – but I guess I was over compensating with the training I did. So if I did a 5 or 6k run, I thought it would be ok for me to have that extra helping, an extra cookie or an extra muffin.

So it was getting back to being healthy eating for me, food wise, and having that structure put into place. So for me, eating, and then motivation again, getting motivated. Coming here, that’s what I’ve been, I’ve been motivated and now it’s part of my daily routine, I get up and get ready to come down and do my stuff.

Matthew: Fantastic.

Michelle:   Yes, all the way!

Matthew: You tried to lose weight before, how did it go?

Michelle:   Not successful; I’ve never been one for doing diets; I’m not a believer in diets. I just thought that if you trained or did something physical; luckily for me I’ve got a dog as well, so that’s part of my daily routine, he gets walked three times a day.

I think you need to be doing something to try and get to your goals or fitness, so coming here, coming away from the gym because it was boring, so coming to the DVCC has helped me along the way – loads. Hopefully I’ll be able to stay!

Matthew: Absolutely. When you tried to lose weight previously, it was a combination of nutrition and exercise, as opposed to just say a strict diet or a strict exercise regime – a combination of the two?

Michelle:   Yes.

Matthew: What does your lifestyle look like now, compared to before the DVCC?

Michelle:   Energy levels have definitely gone up; I feel like my fitness levels have gone up, with certain things I’m doing. It’s taken me a long time, years, to actually get a press-up correct; if I’m doing it correctly I can actually do almost 10 in a minute without going to my knees; that’s taken me years to accomplish.I’ve never been able to do it before, well I’ve been able to do them but I’ve never been able to get to the planking position, so to speak.

So by coming here, my goals have come further and obviously I’d like them to still continue. I’m hoping that I will be a nan one day, so I want to be fit; I want to be able to rough and tumble with the grandchildren and not, like, you go off and play and nan will watch you in the background, so that’s what I’d like to do.

Matthew: Fantastic goal, brilliant. How has the DVCC helped you personally, Michelle?

Michelle:   Loads – fitness again, I feel healthier, lost weight; I’ve come down – depending on where you buy your clothes from – in one instance two dress sizes; so even that’s put a spark back in my partner’s face! I actually do feel good; the pamphlet that they gave us in the beginning, I was quite strict with following that, and it said this day you’ll feel this and this day you’ll feel that.

I think it was on the 15th or 16th day they said you’ll feel fabulous, you’ll feel great, and actually that particular day I was walking the dog and, I’m hoping that nobody was driving past me because they would think I was a looney tune, because I was walking the dog and thinking, do you know what – I actually do feel good.

Everybody must have a favourite garment that they like wearing and I’ve got an old jersey that I liked and I was feeling claustrophobic in it; walking the dog in a very tight fitting jumper. And then on my 15th or 16th day from joining DVCC, I had the jumper on, walking the dog and I felt I could breathe - and I felt great.

So it’s brilliant, all down to DVCC, so back in old clothes that have been in the wardrobe for the last 5 or 6 years that you think one day, one day – and I’ve been able to put them back on with ease – and like, yay!

Matthew: Good from you, Michelle, that’s amazing.

Do you have any specific tips with regard to nutrition or exercise that you can share with anyone who is listening who is trying to lose weight?

Michelle:   Stick at it; it is hard but once again for me it was motivation; and I’m a person that has to be told what to do. We can all have those moments where we can slump off, but if I’m being told, I feel like I’m working hard and I feel like I’m gaining something, so yes, stick to it, definitely.

The meals, the metabolic damage solution, stick to that as well, it has helped me and I do feel a lot healthier. You just have to try and get yourself into a routine I guess, with your meals, in advance.

I actually don’t do that yet, but I will get there. The fruit is looking better; but there are still the sauces in there for the rest of the family, but I actually don’t have those. So yes, I would just say stick at it; it’s worked great for me and I hope to be able to continue after my year is up.

Matthew: Absolutely. So Michelle, what was the obstacle that would have prevented you from training with the DVCC, or training altogether - I know you do other things as well? What could have potentially stopped you from joining the DVCC?

Michelle:   Just the money side of it, nothing else, because I enjoy it too much and hopefully they won’t put it up! I’m sure with others out there as well; it was just the cost effect of it. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink – yes we have the treats – and I’m not a shopper.

So for me this is a treat, when you weigh it all up, I would probably spend x amount on drinking or whatever; so this for me is my treat and I want it to continue. I enjoy it, love it and I don’t want it to phase out.

Matthew: Absolutely, fantastic. So what would be the three other benefits that you have had since you started with the DVCC?

Michelle:   I’ve met some great people, new friends. Great instructors: they motivate you, they push you, they know your limits, they know your goals now so they can push you that step further, whereas with gyms you don’t get any of that.

I would just say now that it’s a part of my everyday routine of my daily lifestyle. This is my social life now, this is it!

Matthew: Brilliant. So would you recommend the DVCC? If so, why?

Michelle:   I definitely would. It has helped me loads, I have to say; it’s a great start to the day, definitely. Just come to DVCC, forget your gyms, they’re rubbish – just come here! I’ve made friends with people; and the get-togethers, if I can make them they’re great, because you get to meet the people that you don’t see of an evening.

We get to hear about what they’ve achieved and what they haven’t achieved. I’ve sort of met my goals that I wanted to, but there are a couple more that I want to get to. One was my niece’s wedding, that was the massive thing. I would have liked to have got maybe a little bit more, but I was happy with my progress for my niece’s wedding.

Matthew: Perfect. Is there anything you would like to add, any final words?

Michelle:   Yes, first thing in the morning when I wake up I am looking forward to coming down to do my training; a good start for the day. Once again, I like meeting up with the people that are here; I just enjoy it, I love it, just love coming, brilliant.

Matthew: Excellent. Thank you very much Michelle. I hope you found this interview useful. Please comment below with any questions and we will get back to you. This is Matthew from the DVCC Northampton, thank you very much.