The DVCC Blog

Are you making these mistakes when you deadlift?

Written by Mark Gray | 08/12/18 02:59


Hey, this is Mark from the DVCC, and I'm going to highlight to you two common mistakes that I see happening in gyms all around the world. And things that you need to look out for when you're dead-lifting. Now there's lots of different types of dead-lifts. Where we're going, this is conventional dead-lift off the floor. Okay, so clean grip, it's called, which is basically your hands just outside your legs to start from position. So the number one mistake to highlight is the fact that often people are very lax from the pull position so they have bent arms, their body's not tight, they're kind of just ready to jerk it off the floor, okay? They're not holding, they're not bracing. They're not engaging all of the muscles they need to, so. Feet should start about shoulder width. Toes turned out about 15 degrees. Hands just outside your legs. You're going to basically from this position brace everything. My arms are straight. My abs are tight. My belly wants to pull through my spine. I'll be looking straight ahead. I'm gonna look at you in the camera now, though. And from here, I'm just gonna pull straight up. Just squeeze your butt, your glutes at the top, okay? Shoulder blades retracted. Shoulder blades back and down. And then from there, bum out, first motion, down to the floor. So just to highlight that again, brace your belly button, arms straight, everything locked, ready, braced to pull the bar straight up from the floor. That's the number one thing to account for. Second thing to account for is when you've finished your set. I often see people, don't do that. I often see people, when they're finishing, so they've done 12 reps, say, and they're done, put the bar down, and they forget all of the form that they've just been lifting with, and they just put the bar down like that. That is how your injure yourself. You want to finish the lift as you started, which would be braced all the way down to the floor, and then you can let go. You don't lose your form just because you've finished. Imagine that, you finish your whole set, you put all the effort in, and then you injure your back just because you have a split second of being silly. So my back stretched out, all the way to the floor, let go, set done, you can feel a slight relief because the dead-lift is over. Make sure you look out for those two common mistakes and rectify them if you notice that you're doing them. This is Mark from the DVCC, bye-bye.