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Embracing Your Fitness Journey: Achieve Progress at Any Stage of Life

Written by Stephen Gray | 24/05/23 09:01

It's never too late to start!

Plagued by the thoughts of "I wish I started in my 20's" or "what's even the point anymore", it's easy to let your health slip by the wayside. 

As the old adage goes, 'the best time to start was 30 years ago, the second best time is right now!'


If you feel late to the game, fear not! Your among the MANY, not the few. If this article does one thing, I hope it inspires you to make a start on some form of exercise. Making a start is not limited by age or past accomplishments. It's about acknowledging and embracing where we are today, getting up and doing something, ANYTHING.

A walk, swim, have a conversation with a friend that goes to a gym, say to your partner you want to focus on your health... it can really be anything as long as it gets you closer to making exercise a habit in the future.

Set realistic goals and create a sustainable path to success (lots of little wins is the best way to do this). Whether you're a seasoned gym enthusiast or just starting out, understanding these principles will empower you to see progress and stay motivated. Today we will explore three essential tips to help you achieve your fitness goals and maintain a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle.


  1. Reflect on Your Present Self: Too often, we get caught up in comparing ourselves to others or to our younger selves. However, true progress starts with accepting and appreciating the unique strengths and qualities we possess today. Take a moment to reflect on your present self, acknowledging the progress you've already made. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem, and use them as a driving force to propel you forward. Remember, every step counts, and each accomplishment brings you closer to your ultimate fitness goals.

  2. Set Achievable Milestones: Instead of overwhelming yourself with daunting long-term goals, break them down into manageable milestones. By doing so, you can track your progress more effectively and experience a sense of accomplishment along the way. These smaller steps act as building blocks, providing a tangible roadmap to your ultimate destination. Celebrate every milestone, as they signify the progress you've made and reinforce your motivation. Whether it's running an extra mile, lifting a heavier weight, or booking that first gym session, each milestone is a testament to your dedication and resilience. 

  3. Prioritise Consistency and Sustainability: The key to long-term success lies in consistency and sustainability. Rather than seeking quick fixes or temporary results, focus on establishing healthy habits that can be maintained over time. Embrace fitness as a lifestyle, not a short-term endeavour. Easier said than done, we know! But you'll find if you begin with no intention to stop, it's simply becomes part of your habit. The trick is not to "try it out for a month" or "see how I feel". You know you're only saying this to give yourself an out down the road, this won't help you in the long run. Create balance that suits your current lifestyle, abilities and time to commit. Committing to be consistent doesn't meant 5 times a week. It can be once, but so long as your regimented you're taking leaps and bounds in the building of a good, healthy habit! 

Remember that progress knows no boundaries. It is not defined by age or by who you were in the past. By embracing your present self and setting realistic goals, you can unlock the potential for growth and transformation in a way that's manageable, even comfortable. Reflect on your unique strengths, break down your goals into achievable milestones, and prioritise consistency and sustainability in your approach and the results will come. Let go of comparisons and focus on your own progress. Celebrate every step forward, for each accomplishment brings you closer to becoming the healthier version of yourself.