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3 Popular Myths about Food That Are Completely Untrue

Written by Mark Gray | 31/01/16 06:00

Ever since we were kids we were taught to eat a big breakfast, stay away from the chocolate bars and, more recently, avoid carbohydrates at all costs.

But while much of the nutritional advice that we read about or that gets passed on to us does have a founding in science, many nutritional tips are nothing more than popular myths.

Check out these top three food facts that have no truth in them whatsoever:

  1. Chocolate causes acne – How many times have you heard that you should pass up on the Snickers bar and leave the KitKat alone if you don’t want to break out in spots? Did your mother constantly warn you about the perils of eating chocolate when you were a teenager? If so, you might be pleased to find out that chocolate has absolutely no link to acne whatsoever. And while we’re at it, neither do other commonly blamed foods, such as crisps and pizza.

Actually, acne starts to form when we produce too much sebum, a substance that clogs our pores. And sebum is caused by hormones, not chocolate.

But before you get all excited and break into the Dairy Milk, unfortunately, it’s still a fact that chocolate does contain high amounts of sugar and fat, so you should still consume it in moderation, or stick to dark chocolate if you’re looking to maintain a healthy weight loss programme.

  1. Carbohydrates make you fat – If you’re trying to lose weight, the chances are that you’re doing your best to steer away from carbohydrates. Ever since the Atkins diet became all the rage, people have been avoiding carbs or cutting them out completely. But carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients (along with protein and fat) that our bodies need to function correctly and cutting them out completely is just a bad idea.

While eating them in excess can pile on bulk, it has nothing to do with the carbohydrates themselves. Eating too many calories and eating more calories than you burn in a given day is what makes you put on fat.

So you don’t need to cut your carbs, but modify your intake of them and try to choose good carbs, such as sweet potato and veggies, over doughnuts and white bread instead.

  1. Juice cleanses detox your body – While drinking nothing but fruit and vegetable juice for a week might sound appealing (ahem), there is actually no evidence at all that it will detox your body. Actually, your body has its own intricately designed system for removing toxins called the liver and, along with your kidneys and spleen, this magnificent organ does a pretty great job of flushing the toxins out of your body without the need for a liquid diet.

Of course, you can help it out by putting less toxins, like alcohol and chemicals from processed foods into your body, but you don’t need to go to such extremes as a juice cleanse.

In fact, juices are high in sugar and that (coupled with the fact that you’ll be so hungry after a week of ingesting nothing but fluids) means that instead of flushing out toxins, you’re more likely to replace them all when you dive into that lasagna and chocolate pudding you’ve been craving.