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3 Easy Ways to Increase Your Protein Intake

Written by Mark Gray | 03/01/16 06:00

Protein is essential for your health, as it’s the main ingredient your body needs to repair tissues and is responsible for making hormones and enzymes.

We have about 10,000 different types of proteins working inside us to keep us healthy and fit, and we need to continually replenish them through balanced meals to make sure that we have the right amounts of these macronutrients.

So, if you want to have strong bones and healthy muscles and cartilage, you need to get enough protein daily. Good protein, in the right quantities, can even keep your skin, nails and hair looking healthy.

However, not all protein rich foods are rich in good protein, so you should make sure you choose the right ones for a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Fish can help you increase the amount of protein in your meals, as well as provide healthy fats and the highest amount of amino acids your body needs. Fish is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamin D. Tuna canned in water (not oil) is the best choice, as it contains a protein content equivalent to 94% of the calories. However, if you don’t like tuna you can still get important amounts of good protein from several other types of fish, including salmon, swordfish, trout, sturgeon, herring, cod, carp and prawns.
  2. Eggs.  As we already know, eggs are considered one of the most nutritious foods, as they are not just rich in protein, but also in vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and antioxidants. The egg white contains 4 grams of protein, and only 17 calories, while the yolk provides another 2.7 grams of protein in around 55 calories. This is almost a perfect balance, according to most nutritionists. The latest studies have shown that regular consumption of eggs can have positive effects over our entire systems, providing a wide range of essential vitamins and nutrients.
  3. Milk and dairy products. If you tolerate milk, you should consider introducing it to your list of healthy foods. One cup of milk contains 8 grams of protein and significant quantities of phosphorus, calcium and Vitamin B2, among other vitamins and minerals. Cottage cheese and yogurt are other good choices for your meals, as they are also rich in protein and relatively low in fats and calories.

Go easy though if you’re a big fan of cheese, and try to opt for less fatty choices such as parmesan, Swiss cheese, mozzarella, and cheddar, which all contain important amounts of good protein.

If you suffer from milk intolerance, you can try kefir, a healthy drink containing small amounts of lactose, generally tolerated by people who can’t eat yogurt. Whey protein can also help you improve your meals. It contains almost no lactose, while providing your body with nine essential amino acids.

As a general rule, protein should make up between 10 and 35% of the amount of calories you eat in a regular day. The guidelines provided by the Institute of Medicine refer to 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight as the minimum amount for a healthy lifestyle.

If your body doesn’t get enough protein, you could lose muscle mass, weaken your heart and respiratory system and experience a series of problems caused by a decreased immunity, so make sure you get yours!