The DVCC Blog

See Caroline's Weight Loss Story. On Her Own Words..

Written by Mark Gray | 09/06/15 18:00

Nathan: Hi, I’m Nathan from the DVCC and I’m here with Caroline today.  I’m just going to ask her a few questions to hopefully get an insight into how she’s got such great results, to speak about any difficulties you might have had, as I’m sure there will be literally thousands of people who will find this interview very, very useful.

So Caroline, if you could please introduce yourself, and how long have you been at the DVCC?

Caroline: Hi, I’m Caroline and I’ve been here since the beginning of March.

Nathan: Awesome. And what results have you achieved in that time, Caroline?

Caroline: I’ve *lost 24.4 lbs of fat and I’ve gained 2.2 lbs of muscle; I’m really pleased about.

Nathan: Which are fantastic results, very well done. So let’s talk about struggles you might have had with weight *loss before the DVCC?

Caroline: I was always really small, very thin; and then I had to have a couple of operations and then I seemed to put weight on and couldn’t lose it, and then I had a relationship which was rubbish, so again I started sitting in and being bored and just drinking basically. I did use to go to the gym but it took me ages and ages to lose anything, I think you just get a little bit lazy.

Nathan:   Into a routine?

Caroline: Yes, too much of a routine.

Nathan:   I can understand that. When I go to the gym, I tend to do exercises I favour, which aren’t always the best for fat *loss, so I can understand that.

Had you tried to *lose weight before and how did it go?

Caroline: I did lose weight with Weight Watchers before, and I did really well, but to be honest I knew what I should be eating and what I shouldn’t be eating – it was just a matter of doing it.

Nathan:   That’s understandable. Have you ever *lost weight using nutrition and exercise, or has it always been one or the other?

Caroline: When I was on Weight Watchers it was that, because I went to the gym as well.

Nathan:   But that was off your own back though, I suppose, was it?

Caroline: Yes. But as I say I didn’t realise the gym wasn’t having the effect I wanted it to, because I was doing the same stuff day in, day out.

Nathan:   Understandable. Have you done any diets before, except for Weight Watchers?

Caroline: No, just cutting out foods – over the years.


Nathan:   Ok, I can understand that.

What does your lifestyle look like now, compared to before the DVCC?

Caroline: It’s really different, yes really different. I feel much better in myself; I am more organised, I think about what I’m going to do for the day and I look forward to coming here.

So that gets into my routine; my work life balance has improved – when I wasn’t coming here I just stayed at work; so now I make this appointment for a certain time of night to make sure I leave work.

Nathan:   Which is good, it’s given you more time to yourself.

Caroline: Yes, definitely.

Nathan:   And how has the DVCC helped you?

Caroline: It has helped me loads to be honest. I feel much more confident now. I wanted to *lose weight to feel confident because… it was catch 22; I was not confident so I didn’t go out; I didn’t go out so I felt cramped, stayed at home and ate.

Nathan:   Like a vicious circle.

Caroline: Yes it’s sort of helped me break that.

Nathan:   Good, good, you’ve done very well. Do you have any specific tips, with nutrition or exercise, which you could share with anyone who is listening, who might be actively trying to *lose fat at the moment?

Caroline: Yes, I think get organised, definitely get organised. Like if you make salad, make a huge salad, then you’ve got it for a couple of days, and if you cook a piece of chicken, cook loads of pieces of chicken and put it in the freezer, grab it out. And the alcohol, I really think for me…

Nathan:   Cutting down?

Caroline: Yes, well just cut it out.

Nathan:   Completely, ok

Caroline: I learnt, again this weekend – because the only time I don’t lose is if I drink alcohol. And I didn’t realise how much a unit was – it’s like a thimble full – and so if you have a glass and you think it’s a unit, it’s not. So yes, a big learning curve.

Nathan:   Ok, so you’ve found that being prepared and preparing your food in bulk has really helped you?

Caroline: Yes, definitely.

Nathan:   Ok. And do you have any final words at all?

Caroline: Just thank you really. I’ve enjoyed it here; when I first came I felt really inhibited because I’m older and I didn’t think – you know; I saw the people lifting stuff and I thought I would never be able to do that. But actually my strength is getting a lot better, thanks to you guys for helping me do that.

Nathan:   Thank you for coming in, we enjoy having you. So thank you very much for taking the time to speak to me today Caroline; if you’ve been listening to this interview I hope you found it helpful. My name’s Nathan from the DVCC in Milton Keynes; have a great day.